CTI Data Connector 2.2.45

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CTI 数据连接器企业版在任何企业数据库(SQL 数据库、MS-Access)、编程接口(XML、DLL)中为应用程序和支持 Microsoft Outlook 提供计算机电话集成(通过 TAPI 接口)。 * 使用热键在应用程序中拨号 * 从具有 DLL 函数的应用程序拨号或使用参数启动 EXE 文件 * 在浏览器内拨号 * 使用文件拨号 * 来自 SQL 数据库/Outlook 联系人的在线呼叫者标识 * 来自 Outlook 联系人的呼叫者标识 * 来电列表 * 传出呼叫列表 * 任何 SQL 数据库和 MS-Outlook 联系人的电话簿(搜索联系人或公司名称) * 具有 XML/Active-X 接口的中间件应用程序与应用程序通信 - 需要软件开发工具包 支持思科呼叫管理器和带 TAPI 驱动程序的 Avaya PBX。 有关其他信息,请参阅www.CTI-Data-Connector.com


  • 版本 2.3 发布于 2006-12-04
  • 版本 2.2.45 发布于 2005-12-29



PERPETUAL END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO ALL USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT ('AGREEMENT'), FOR THE LICENCE OFSPECIFIED SOFTWARE ('SOFTWARE') BY MIRAGE COMPUTER SYSTEMS GMBH ('MIRAGE'). BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT BUTTON OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR A SINGLE ENTITY) CONSENT TO BE BOUND BYAND BECOME A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, CLICK THE BUTTON THAT INDICATES THAT YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE.(IF APPLICABLE, YOU MAY RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND.) 1. LICENCE Grant. Subject to the payment of the applicable LICENCE fees, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, MIRAGE hereby grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use one copy of the specified version of the Software and the accompanying documentation (the 'Documentation'). You may install one copy of the Software on one computer, workstation, personal digital assistant, pager, 'smart phone' or other electronic device for which the Software was designed (each, a 'Client Device'). If the Software is LICENCED as a suite or bundle with more than one specified Software product, this LICENCE applies to all such specified Software products, subject to any restrictions or usage terms specified on the applicable price list or product packaging that apply to any of such Software products individually. a. Use. The Software is LICENCED as a single product; it may not be used on more than one Client Device or by more than one user at a time, except as set forth in this Section 1. The Software is 'in use' on a Client Device when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., random-access memory or RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that Client Device. This LICENCE authorizes you to make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, provided that the copy you make contains all of the Software's proprietary notices. b. Server-Mode. You may use the Software on a Client Device as a server ('Server') within a multi-user or networked environment('Server-Mode') only if such use is permitted in the applicable price list or product packaging for the Software. A separate LICENCE is required for each Client Device or 'seat' that may connect to the Server at any time, regardless of whether such LICENCED Client Devices or seats are concurrently connected to, accessing or using the Software. Use of software or hardware that reduces the number of Client Devices or seats directly accessing or utilizing the Software (e.g., 'multiplexing' or 'pooling' software or hardware) does not reduce the number of LICENCES required (i.e., the required number of LICENCES would equal the number of distinct inputs to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware 'front end'). If the number of Client Devices or seats that can conne