Source Code Scanners for Delphi 2006 4.0

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源代码扫描程序是用于创建源代码分析器和解析器的C++的可视化组件库。"构建器"和 Delphi 用于创建源代码的分析器和解析器。 它包括词法分析器的组件:C++、Object Pascal (Delphi)、PHP、HTML、CSS1 和 C++ 预处理器,但也包含完整的基类集,这为创建任何其他语言的词法器和解析器提供了可能性。 这些组件可用于构建需要源代码分析的应用程序(帮助创建的工具;执行计算器;源代码的设计者;解释器和编译器等)。 词法分析器使用 DPA(确定性有限自动机)来匹配在字符输入流中发现的令牌。DCA 由源代码中的正则表达式集定义,并在运行时创建。可以定义多个自动机(词汇类、词法树)。附加到正则表达式的操作(在输入流上匹配该表达式时执行)可能会从一个词汇类切换到另一个词种类。TLexTree 类维护将一组正则表达式转换为 DFA 数组。 源代码扫描程序还提供类,这些类支持使用命令行选项、计算常量表达式等。 源代码扫描程序的完整源代码在专业版中提供。


  • 版本 4.0 Std 发布于 2007-11-13



DEVELOPER'S LICENSE AGREEMENT ----------------------------- OWNERSHIP Source Code Scanners and related materials ("Software") are the exclusive property of MBLabSoft, and are protected by international copyright laws. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY DUE TO THE DIVERSITY OF CONDITIONS AND HARDWARE UNDER WHICH SOFTWARE MAY BE USED, SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR FUNCTIONALITY. IN NO EVENT WILL MBLabSoft BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF MBLabSoft HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SOFTWARE BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER. YOU ASSUME TOTAL RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL RESULTS PRODUCED FROM SOFTWARE BY USING THE SOFTWARE. GRANT OF LICENSE FOR TRIAL USERS You are granted permission to evaluate the trial versions of SOFTWARE for the exclusive purpose of determining if you should purchase the product. You may distribute Trial installation programs, do not alter the files and do not charge for the files. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble or duplicate any part of SOFTWARE's design in another software product. You may not distribute applications compiled with SOFTWARE, including EXEs, DLLs, OCXs, DPLs, BPLs and other forms of executable code. You may not distribute any files installed by the trial archives. See "LIMITATION OF LICENSE FOR ALL USERS" below for additional information about these restrictions. GRANT OF LICENSE FOR REGISTERED USERS Subject to payment of applicable license fees paid to MBLabSoft or authorized resellers, you are granted permission to: - Use one licensed copy of SOFTWARE per single developer, or share multiple licenses between multiple concurrent developers, provided that the number of concurrent developers does not exceed the number of total licenses. - Compile the source code and intermediate files (e.g. CPP, DFM, BPL, RES etc.) as part of executable programs, provided that reporting is secondary to the executable's primary purpose, and that the resulting program does not compete with SOFTWARE as a developer's tool. - Distribute executable programs compiled with SOFTWARE royalty-free. - Distribute the SCS4D6.BPL, and encourage end-users to do the same without restrictions or royalties. - Modify the source code for your own purposes (if you licensed it), provided that you respect the "LIMITATION OF LICENSE FOR ALL USERS" below. Such modifications do not alter the terms of this License Agreement. Free technical support cannot be provided for developers who have modified the source code. - Distribute runtime linkable modules (DLL, DPL, BPL, OCX, etc) containing SOFTWARE, provided that the interface between the calling program and the runtime linkable module is not publicly documented, and reasonable precautions are taken to prevent the reuse of runtime linkable modules from a development tool, such as turning off design-time support when generating Delphi or C++ Builder packages. LIMITATION OF LICENSE FOR ALL USERS The SOFTWARE Developer's License expressly prohibits the: - Duplication, distribution or publication of the SOFTWARE's source code, intermediate files (e.g. DFM, OBJ, CPP, BPR, etc.), or developer's documentation, except for a single backup copy. - Reverse engineering, disassembling or translation of the SOFTWARE's source code, screens or algorithms to another programming language. - Use of SOFTWARE's source code, screen or algorithms for any other purpose. - Use of SOFTWARE in a manner that competes with SOFTWARE as a developer's tool. REQUIREMENT OF LICENSE FOR REGISTERED USERS The SOFTWARE Developer's License requires that you: - Provide technical support regarding the use of SOFTWARE to your end-users as needed. Under no circumstances shall MBLabSoft be contacted by end-users directly. - Purchase an additional license for each copy of your program's source code that is provided to clients when your custom source code includes SOFTWARE. Distributing any part of SOFTWARE's source or intermediate files without an additional license is a copyright violation. If clients merely require your custom source code for archival purposes, and you do not include SOFTWARE's source code or intermediate files in the archive, there is no need to purchase an additional license. UPDATES The Software will be periodically updated, and provided on a fee basis or free-of-charge. RESTRICTIONS ON USE AND TRANSFER You may permanently transfer the Software and accompanying written materials (including the most recent update and all prior versions) if you retain no copies and the transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Such a transfer terminates your license. You may not rent or lease the Software or otherwise transfer or assign the right to use the Software, except as stated in this paragraph. Copyright (c) 2004 MBLabSoft. All Rights Reserved.