10-罢工带宽监视器允许您监控各种设备(Windows 和 Linux 计算机、托管交换机等)的网络接口上的网络带宽和流量使用情况。应用程序收集有关主机使用的入站和出站流量的数据,并实时动态绘制带宽图。如果达到已利用流量的关键限制,应用程序将生成警报并通知您有关事件。它可以发送短信或电子邮件,甚至重新启动计算机或重新启动服务。 该应用程序为您提供了生成报告和查看流量使用情况统计信息的很多可能性。带宽监视可以通过安装在联网 PC 上的 SNMP 协议、WMI 和远程代理执行。代理中的内置嗅探器可以收集主机正在通信的地址。您可以分析远程主机和用户使用的时间最多。
- 版本 3.23 发布于 2015-11-03
添加了对 SNMPv3 协议所有安全级别的支持:身份验证 (MD5、SHA) 和编码(DES、三重 DES、AES)。使用流量统计信息优化了程序操作。提高了程序的加载速度,减少了内存使用。 - 版本 1.1 发布于 2010-02-20
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 网络监控
- 发布者: 10-Strike Software
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $49.95
- 版本: 3.23
- 适用平台: windows
* This Software License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you, the end-user, and 10-Strike Software ("Author"). By using this software or storing this program ("10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor shareware version") on a computer hard drive (or other media), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. * If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement you must remove 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. * Anyone may use this software during a test period of 30 days. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor, you MUST register. * To register you must complete the registration form and pay the registration fee to the authorized registration site. See README.TXT for details. * Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor on one computer, for any legal purpose, at a time. * This software may be distributed on online services, bulletin boards, or other electronic media, and on CD-ROM, disk, or other physical media as long as the distribution package is not modified. * You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce this software to a human perceivable form. You may not modify, rent or sell for profit this software, or create derivative works based upon this software. * You may not alter this software in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows.