7Canaries Standard 1.00

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7Cancan 标准执行对多音音乐的自动识别,存储在 MP1、MP2、MP3、MPP、MPA、AIF、SND、AU、WAVE 格式以及音频 CD 音轨中。在实时模式下,它会立即将通过计算机的麦克风或线路输入的音乐转换为 MIDI 序列。7糖果标准与7糖果专业不包含交互式笔记编辑器。 识别预先录制的音乐允许将数字声音转换为 MIDI 格式。MIDI文件占用的空间比任何数字声音格式少几百倍,这允许您使用它作为网页的旋律或预览您的MP3互联网音乐收藏。事实上,MIDI文件是音乐的布局,你可以改变它的排列方式,与数字声音形成对比。乐器,声音或旋律本身可以很容易地修改使用任何第三方乐谱编辑器,这允许创建混音,变体和打印音乐符号。你甚至可以把旋律放在你的手机! 飞行识别是一个实时执行的过程,没有明显的延迟。检测到的笔记可以实时录制或播放,也可以同时播放。因此,您可以实时更换乐器,例如,弹吉他和获得钢琴声音。 7Cancan 提供四种不同的笔记检测算法。许多筛选选项允许保留奇数注释。单声道法在旋律中提供一种(最响亮的)声音的识别,但非常准确。复音法转录了几个声音。


  • 版本 1.00 发布于 2004-10-15



License Agreement BEFORE YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. All copyrights to the 7Canaries Standard (referred to as the Software) are exclusively owned by TallStick Software (hereafter referred to as OWNER). OWNER permits you use the Software conditioned on your acceptance of the following terms. You may freely distribute unregistered trial version of the Software, providing the distribution package not modified in any way. You may not reverse-compile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or use any other method to convert the Software into a human-readable form, nor may you allow another person to do so. It is supposed that you will thoroughly evaluate the Software usefulness and functionality during 30-day trial period before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the Software will satisfy your needs. Therefore you understand and agree that there is no refunds available for any purchase of the Software. If you are a registered user, you are entitled to use the Software for your own tasks. You may not sell, rent or lease neither registered version of the Software nor your personal registration information to others without written permission of OWNER. You may use only one copy of the Software at one time. You may not use this Software on a network or on more than one computer at the same time without a license for "concurrent use". The license and right for the use of this Software does not include the right to create, generate, encode or otherwise modify data or bit streams: - to be used, sold, published, distributed, disposed of or otherwise marketed via pre-recorded media, such as but not limited to CD-ROM, magnetic tapes, memory cards and the like; - to be used, sold, reproduced, published, distributed, disposed of or otherwise marketed via any kind of network, if a user will have to pay a monetary or equivalent compensation for the access, copying etc. of such data or bit stream; - for the purpose of broadcast and/or radio and/or multicast service transmission such as but not limited to "Internet Radio" and the like. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OWNER IS NOT OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE ANY UPDATES, UPGRADES OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT OWNER WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST REVENUES OR LOST DATA ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF OWNER HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.