访问器提供对主要 Windows 功能、文件夹和文档的快速访问。 版本 1.7 中的更新功能: 1. 新项目添加到主菜单中,例如: - 查找文件和文件夹, - 空回收站, - 清除文档历史记录, - 格式化软盘。 2. 现在查看文件系统(FDD、硬盘、CD 和网络驱动器)时将显示原始文件图标。 3. 设置窗口有绝对新的界面!现在使用: - 改进调色板; - 更方便的设置窗口; - 托盘弹出菜单,允许隐藏/显示一些菜单项。 程序的主要特点: - 从 系统托盘; - 创建最常用的和最喜欢的文件夹列表,并使用它 "快速文件夹"按钮的帮助,该按钮添加到: - 所有标准打开/保存对话框窗口; - 打开/保存微软 Office 所有版本中的对话框窗口; - 访问控制面板及其元素(添加/删除程序、属性 屏幕、调制解调器、互联网和系统); - 一键终止弹出菜单中任何正在运行的程序(终止用户进程); - 流程管理(流程的终止/添加)允许查看 系统中的可用窗口,包含进程本身的描述 (id 窗口、文件路径、进程图标、窗口样式); - 光盘管理(从系统托盘弹出/关闭 CD); - 关闭/ 重新启动 / 注销 / 锁定工作站; -和许多其他...
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 其他
- 发布者: NeSoft Inc.
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $19.00
- 版本: 1.7
- 适用平台: windows
Accessor Copyright (C) 2004 NeSoft Inc. All Rights Reserved LICENSE FOR USE AND DISTRIBUTION The Accessor is distributes as try-before-you-buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Accessor are exclusively owned by NeSoft Inc. 2. Anyone may use this software during a test period of 30 days. If you wish to continue to use Accessor, you MUST register. 3. There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for Accessor, these are: a. A SINGLE COMPUTER USAGE LICENSE. The user purchases one license to use the Accessor on one computer. b. A MULTIPLE USAGE LICENSE. The user purchases a number of usage licenses for use, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or acredited agents, on the same number of computers. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Accessor on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Accessor software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Accessor unregistered trial version, may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Accessor without written permission from the copyright holder. The Accessor unregistered trial version may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the copyright holder. 5. To register you must complete the registration form and send it, with registration fee, to one of the authorized registration sites, see order.txt. 6. Accessor IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 7. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. 8. Installing and using Accessor signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 9. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Accessor files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the Accessor. Copyright 2004 NeSoft, Inc., All rights reserved. Internet: http://www.nesoft.org E-mail: [email protected]