Acme CADPacker

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 3.34 MB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

轻松 [DWG / DXF /DWF / 图像] 到 EXE 转换器。使用 CADPacker,您可以将设计文件、项目说明、照片和设计效果图(DWG、DXF、DWF、TXT、BMP、JPEG、TGA、PCX、GIF、WMF)打包到自我执行前处理文件中。您的客户可以方便地查看和了解您的设计方案。客户端不需要在计算机中安装任何 CAD 软件以及文档中采用的字体和其他数据,因为您可以为计算机提供完整的自执行演示包,用于项目设计建议。CADPacker 是您理想的选择。 主要特点 1 .您可以将设计文档(说明文件、设计图纸、照片和效果图)打包到 exe 文件中。 2 .输出的 exe 包可以自动浏览包中的文件(操作与 AutoCAD 相同),而无需安装任何类型的 CAD 软件。 3 .您可以设置输出的 exe 文件是否支持打印。 4 .它支持 DWG、DXF 和 DWF 格式(v2.5-2005)。 5 .它支持常用的栅格图像格式,如 BMP、JPEG、PCX、TGA、GIF、WMF 等。 6 .它支持 TXT 文件。 7 .为输出文件采用用户定义的加密格式,以确保设计文件数据的安全。 8 .它支持全屏显示,并提供一组方便的键盘快捷键,以便于演示您的设计方案。 9. 用于查看文件的操作与 AutoCAD 的操作相同。 10. 采用所见即见的操作模式(你所看到的就是你得到的),以便实时看到输出 exe 的操作效果。


  • 版本 发布于 2012-06-14



Acme CADPacker. Copyright (C) 2010 DWGTOOL Software. All rights reserved. 1. LICENSE AGREEMENT -------------------------------------------------- You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. 1.1. DISTRIBUTION This shareware software may be freely distributed, provided that: 1.1.1. Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by freefire studio. You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive. 1.1.2. The distribution does not include a user code and registration number. In particular, you may not distribute a registered version of Acme CADPacker. 1.1.3. No money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead. 1.2. LICENSE By receiving and/or using Acme CADPacker software, you accept the following Evaluation and Registered User Agreement. This agreement is a binding legal agreement between freefire studio. and the purchasers, users or evaluators of freefire studio' software and products. If you do not intend to honor this agreement, remove all installed Acme CADPacker software from your computer now. 1.3. Usage and distribution restrictions The evaluator/user/buyer/owner may not use or distribute Acme CADPacker software for any unlawful purpose. The evaluator/user/buyer/owner is not allowed to attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile Acme CADPacker software. 1.4 Copyright restriction All parts of Acme CADPacker software are copyright protected. 1.5. Licensed software restrictions Each registered copy of the Acme CADPacker software may be used in only one single location by one user. Use of the software means that you have loaded the program and run it or have installed the program onto a computer. If you install the software onto a multi-user platform or network, each and every individual user of the software must be registered separately. You may make one copy of the registered software for backup purposes, providing you only have one copy installed on one computer being used by one person. The sale of and or distribution of registered copies of this software is strictly forbidden. It is a violation of this agreement to loan, rent, lease, borrow, or transfer the use of registered copies of Acme CADPacker Software. 2. Getting program updates -------------------------------------------- You may download Acme CADPacker from the following sources: 3. How to get technical support and contribute feedback -------------------------------------------- 3.1 Technical Support Registered users are entitled to technical support, should the need arise. Please contacts us by email at . 3.2 Feedback If you have any comments or concerns about Acme CADPacker please direct them to .Your feedback is important to us in order to get an idea of how to make Acme CADPacker a better product for you. Many of Acme CADPacker's features and significant portions of Acme CADPacker's interface have been heavily influenced by comments from users. So if you have a grand idea for a new feature, or a better way of doing something, please drop us a note. 4. Contacting DWGTOOL Software -------------------------------------------- e-mail: [email protected] web: