Actual Window Guard 8.14.4

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实际的窗口防护是您需要保持您的工作空间处于最佳状态,以高效和舒适的工作。它有许多设置,帮助组织桌面上的窗口,并保持他们按你喜欢的顺序。这意味着您不必花时间调整窗口大小和定位窗口,因为它会自动完成。程序中还有许多其他功能,您可以使用这些功能来跳过日常事务并提高工作效率。 自动定位和调整大小并不是实际窗口护卫人员唯一能做的。该工具允许您在启动时最小化和最大化窗口,在桌面内精确对齐窗口,关闭不相关的弹出窗口,将窗口放在顶部并防止它们意外关闭。该程序甚至使您能够更改标准控件不提供的选项(例如,可以从任务栏中删除窗口或更改单个设置,如窗口的图标和标题)。此外,该工具还支持多监视器系统。 不仅实际窗口保护功能有助于您与其他应用程序合作,而且程序本身也非常易于使用。界面是直观和友好的,以便你可以习惯它马上,并迅速作出必要的调整。该工具为指定类型的窗口提供功能,并且一次具有适用于所有类型的功能,这也很方便。使用实际窗口保护,创建和管理一个规则系统以优化与窗口相关的工作区的每个细节不需要太多时间。 这些规则可以应用于几乎任何类型的应用程序的窗口,包括 x64 应用程序。此外,目前实际窗口防护是唯一的此类程序,允许您管理命令提示符(即控制台/CMD/DOS)窗口。所有这些功能不仅可用于 Windows 2000/XP/2003,还可用于 Vista。此外,大多数功能也可用于较旧的但仍可利用的 Windows 平台,如 95/98/ME。


  • 版本 8.14.4 发布于 2020-10-10
    1) 添加了将窗口设置应用于托盘通知的能力。2) 改进了许多内部设施(意味着更好的可靠性、兼容性和性能 - 请参阅完整更改日志)。3) 修复了许多错误(请参阅完整的更改日志)。
  • 版本 8.14.3 发布于 2019-12-27
    1) 修复: 运行的应用程序很少随机崩溃。 2) 修复: 一些与基于铬的应用程序不兼容的问题。
  • 版本 8.14 发布于 2019-05-15
    1) 已修复:Office 2013+ 应用在解锁用户会话后被冻结。2) 添加:对配置窗口的高 DPI 支持。3) 已修复:限制放置和修复最小/最大大小操作不起作用的展台模式谷歌浏览器窗口。4) 已修复:命令中的"复制设置停止工作。
  • 版本 8.13.3 发布于 2018-11-28
    1) 已修复:智能屏幕 CPU 消耗率高。2) 已修复:排除项自 8.13 起停止工作。3) 改进:特定窗口设置的单独编辑窗口现在独立于主窗口。4) 已修复: 限制放置不影响最大化的 Google Chrome 窗口。
  • 版本 8.12.1 发布于 2018-04-21
    1) 已修复:64 位应用程序有时可能会崩溃。
  • 版本 8.12 发布于 2018-03-03
    1) 已修复:如果实际窗口保护处于运行状态,某些应用程序(例如恶意软件字节)可能会在启动时挂起。
  • 版本 8.11.2 发布于 2017-09-28
    1) 修复: 在 Windows 10 创建者更新中, 如果实际窗口保护正在运行, Metro (Uwp) 应用程序在启动时崩溃。
  • 版本 8.11.1 发布于 2017-07-27
    1) Windows 10: 修复了各种应用的崩溃(如 Visual Studio 2010、2012、2013 安装组件、iTunes 帮助程序、iPod 服务、QIP Infium、Windows Phone SDK 的安装程序、系统中心 2013、Office 开发工具、MS LightSwitch 2011)。
  • 版本 8.11 发布于 2017-06-20
    1) 添加了在 Windows 10 中为 Metro (UWP) 应用创建特定窗口设置的能力。2) 添加了工厂排除规则以跳过带空标题的窗口。3) 修复了高 DPI 中"工具"面板上的切割字幕。4) 修复了添加新排除项后刷新排除面板的问题。
  • 版本 8.10.2 发布于 2017-03-28
    1) 修复了 UltraEdit 中的高 CPU 消耗。
  • 版本 8.10.1 发布于 2017-02-20
    1) 添加阿拉伯语翻译。2) 修复了高 DPI 中的测试注册对话框。
  • 版本 8.9 发布于 2016-07-22
    1) 为日志窗口、程序对话框添加了适当的高 DPI 缩放。2) 增加了为配置文件设置任意文件夹的能力。3) 提高整体稳定性。4) 改进了与 Skype、MS 管理控制台的兼容性。5) 已更新的评估对话框。



Actual Window Guard version 8.14.4 Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Actual Tools All rights reserved. Software License PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT "LICENSE" CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE. THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD. BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO INSTALL OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU REJECT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER YOUR PURCHASE, YOU MAY ARRANGE TO RETURN THIS SOFTWARE TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU PURCHASED IT OR CONTACT AUTHOR, AND YOU SHOULD DELETE THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM IMMEDIATELY. 1. License. This Software and any images accompanying this License, whether on disk, in read-only memory, or on any other media are licensed, not sold, to you by the AUTHOR (Actual Tools). YOU OWN THE MEDIA ON WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS RECORDED BUT THE AUTHOR RETAINS TITLE TO THE SOFTWARE. Any software in this package, and any copies that this License authorizes you to make, are subject to this License. 2. Permitted Uses and Restrictions. This License allows you to install and use the evaluation version of the Software for 60 days for the purpose of determining whether the Software is suitable for your needs. The use of the full version of the Software requires registration. Once registered, you are granted a non-exclusive license to use the Software for any legal purpose on as many computers as you need as long as the number of simultaneous users of the Software (real human persons) does not exceed the number of licensed users (which is equal to the number of copies purchased). In Terminal Server environment, the required amount of licenses is equal to the maximum number of users that can connect to a server simultaneously. Registration also grants you a Free Updates Subscription for a certain period (a year), beginning from the date of purchase. During this period, you are eligible to get new versions of the Software for free. When this period expires, you can continue to use the last version received under the subscription indefinitely. In case you want to continue receiving the latest updates of the Software, you will have to purchase another registration code to prolong the Free Updates Subscription for one more year. Purchasing a prolongation comes with a discount and can be done any time after the previous subscription period has expired. NOTE: Installing a version released after the subscription's expiration date will turn your copy of the Software back into an unregistered version; the registered status can be restored by entering the code you received after your purchase of a prolonged Free Updates Subscription. Except as permitted by applicable law and this License, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, rent, lease, loan, distribute, create derivative works from the Software or its component nor transmit the Software over a network. A limited license is granted to all registered and unregistered users, webmasters, owners of distribution systems, BBS etc. to copy and distribute unregistered trial Software only for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: The Software and all of its release files must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. Your rights under this License will terminate automatically without notice from the AUTHOR if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this License. 3. Limited warranty. AUTHOR warrants that the Software will perform in substantial compliance with the description supplied with the Software. If a significant defect in the product is found, there is possibility of a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. 4. Disclaimer of Warranty on AUTHOR. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 5. Complete Agreement. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by AUTHOR. --- Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Actual Tools. All rights reserved. [email protected]