高级安全网络级别是用于通过公司网络保护基于 Windows 的工作站的综合安全软件。它允许您远程限制对网络中所有 PC 工作站的访问,向其应用可执行修补程序,并安排重新启动、关闭和 Windows 资源管理器重新启动。远程工作站通过 TCP/IP 或 Internet 在任何地方放置的单个管理员计算机进行控制。您只需要在所有远程计算机上安装包的远程客户端服务后安装,以在将来远程访问和配置它们。这个套件是非常有用的网吧,公共访问终端,图书馆,大公司,学校和其他拓扑,在那里你处理了很多PC工作站。您可以拒绝访问控制面板小程序、禁用引导键、上下文菜单、DOS 窗口、注册表编辑、互联网和网络访问;隐藏桌面图标、单个驱动器、"开始"菜单项和任务栏;将密码保护应用于 Windows、限制正在运行的应用程序等等。该软件支持超过600种不同的安全限制和调整,允许您限制访问几乎每一个方面的Windows。免费试用我们的高级安全网络级别。
- 版本 2.3 发布于 2008-04-10
- 软件分类: 安全和隐私 > 访问控制
- 发布者: SoftFolder Inc
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $199.00
- 版本: 2.3
- 适用平台: windows
The license agreement to Advanced Security Net Level (ASNL). The ASNL is distributed as shareware. This means: 1. All copyrights to ASNL are exclusively owned by the author - SoftFolder Inc. 2. You may evaluate this software during a period of 30 days. If you decide to keep ASNL on your computer you must register it. This means, that you must buy a single/multi-user license. It is strongly recommended to register ASNL within 30 days or less as soon as you find out that the program suits your needs. 3. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use ASNL on one computer (i.e. a single cpu) for any legal purpose, at any time. Also the user can register ASNL for several computers (multi-user license). 4. To register the ASNL you must visit http://www.softfolder.com/purchase.html to obtain the registration instructions. There are good discounts to the ASNL registration for the several computers. When the on-line registration has finished you will receive your own registration code. You should enter the registration code into the ASNL by using the menu item Help-> About. 5. ASNL IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE ASNL AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 6. Installing and using ASNL signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. Thank you for using the original ASNL. Softfolder Inc: http://www.softfolder.com