分析蜘蛛是一个强大的 Web 日志文件分析工具,具有丰富的分析功能,可帮助您优化您的网站。此工具还可以帮助您查看网站推广是否得到了回报,何时应更新网站。在这里,你可以看到哪些搜索引擎已经找到了您的网站,并检查他们是否蜘蛛了你所有的网页。它使用内部 IP 映射技术,通过访问者的 IP 地址标识访问者的地理区域。 谁可以使用分析蜘蛛? 拥有网站并希望查看: 1>谁访问了您的网站 2>有多少访问者来到您的网站 3>正在访问哪些 HTML 页面 4>访客来自哪里,例如地理区域 5>他们访问的文件/目录 6>下载哪些文件,下载时间以及带宽 7>哪些页面最受欢迎 8>有多少网站有图书标记 9>什么搜索引擎蜘蛛已经找到您的网站 10>营销活动是否成功 它也有助于通过告诉您: 1>您的网站上发生哪些错误 2>哪些文件和链接创建了错误 有了这些信息,您现在可以测量不同的方法来推广您的网站,在网站安静时更新您的网站,删除网站上的错误,向访问者认为最感兴趣的页面添加内容等。
- 版本 3.01 发布于 2004-05-26
- 软件分类: 网络开发 > 日志分析器
- 发布者: Jgsoft Associates
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $49.95
- 版本: 3.01
- 适用平台: windows
License and Terms of Use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a legal agreement in effect between SohoAny Associates and you the user resulting from your having a copy of Analyse Spider 3.0 ("Analyse Spider" in what follows unless otherwise indicated) on your computer. These terms and conditions apply to the Trial Version, Personal Edition, Business Edition, and Enterprise Edition variants of Analyse Spider. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions then you may not install or use Analyse Spider. 1. License and Ownership Analyse Spider is a licensed software product. Analyse Spider, including its accompanying files and documentation, is owned and copyrighted by SohoAny Associates, Copyright (C) 2002, all rights reserved. SohoAny Associates grants the user in possession of copy of Analyse Spider ("you" in what follows) a nonexclusive license to install and use Analyse Spider ONLY FOR LEGAL AND ETHICAL PURPOSES provided the terms of this agreement are met. 2. Conditions of Use This license to Analyse Spider is made to you as an individual licensee on a per machine basis, entitling you to use as defined below the files created as a result of the Analyse Spider installation on a single computer system. Additional copies may be made for normal backup purposes only. No other distribution of Analyse Spider in whole or in part in permitted. You must take appropriate safeguards to protect this product from unauthorized use by others. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or modify this software or its accompanying documentation in any way. You may not use any means to discover, expose, document, defeat, or use the programming interfaces or internal logic used within Analyse Spider or any parts thereof. By downloading and using the Analyse Spider Trial Version you agree we can use your email address to contact you as a prospective customer. If you purchase the Analyse Spider Personal Edition, Business Edition or Enterprise Edition, you will receive a product serial number uniquely associated with you. You may use this serial number to register one copy of Analyse Spider on a single computer system of your choosing, thereby enabling the capabilities associated with your purchase for use on that system. You may not distribute the serial number or your registered copy of Analyse Spider in whole or in part to anyone else. By your action of using the serial number to register your copy of Analyse Spider, you hereby acknowledge and accept your responsibility for any unauthorized copies of Analyse Spider registered with your serial number. 3. Java Runtime Environment and Third Party Copyrights You further agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Sun Microsystems Java (tm) Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.3.0 Binary Code License contained within this distribution. Nothing in this Analyse Spider license agreement shall be taken as modifying, extending, or abridging the terms of the JRE license as it applies to the JRE. 4. Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Analyse Spider is licensed to the user on an "AS IS" basis. SohoAny Associates MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS ASSOCIATED FILES AND DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SOHOANY ASSOCIATES DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THIS SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. You the user are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of this software for your use in advance of your purchase and accept full responsibility for all risks associated with its use. SohoAny Associates is not and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or incidental damages in any amount including loss of profits or interruption of business however caused, even if SohoAny Associates has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You further agree to take full responsibility for and indemnify SohoAny Associates against any and all intended or unintended consequences of your sending electronic mail of any kind to anyone using Analyse Spider. SohoAny Associates retains the right to, in its sole discretion, refund the purchase price of this software as a complete and final resolution to any dispute. 5. Support SohoAny Associates does not provide formal customer support for Analyse Spider. However, we make every effort to ensure the quality of our products, and questions, bug reports, and feature requests are encouraged, please use email. Due to resource limitations, it may not be possible to resolve all issues and no assurances can be given as to when or if problems will be addressed. Please submit any feature requests, bug reports, or any other comments regarding Analyse Spider by email to: [email protected] (C) Copyright 2004, SohoAny Associates (http://www.analysespider.com)