AnFX 为专业人士和新手 Web 开发人员提供真正直观高效的 Web 创作技术,以创建高影响力菜单、电影、演示文稿,并将它们导出为 Flash 电影 (.swf) 或 Java 小程序。 它是如此容易使用...无需编码或脚本 安装速度很快,您可以在 15 分钟内创建世界一流的设计!如果你可以使用鼠标,那么你可以使用点开发 AnFX 设计,然后单击 Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP 上的 AnFX 设计工作室。您不需要学习新的计算机语言或创建神秘的脚本文件。设计者让创建基于 Flash 或 Java 的动画内容变得轻而易举。在这里查看屏幕截图 文本效果、菜单和按钮向导让这一切变得简单 AnFX 配有一组向导,可快速、轻松地创建文本效果、菜单和按钮。 场景管理 AnFX 对托管场景的支持独一无二。从第一天起,场景就成为 AnFX 产品架构不可或缺的一部分。快速创建链接,从菜单项或按钮或任何其他对象跳转到下一个场景的链接。 幻灯片放映功能 将常见前景和背景图层与 AnFX 的场景管理相结合,您拥有创建动画幻灯片的优秀工具。为您的产品创建在线教程,引导访问者完成一个过程,提供在线教育课程。有了 AnFX ,大家都是专家! 摆脱 HTML 有限功能 现在,任何人,包括个人在家里,图形艺术家或企业网络开发人员可以利用Flash或Java的力量,创造令人难以置信的效果,并更自由地表达他们的创意。 紧凑、高度优化的导出文件意味着快速下载和满意的网站访问者 其他一些工具生成.swf,使用户在 56K 调制解调器上下载很长时间。AnFX 优化影片文件,使其比正常文件更小。
- 版本 发布于 2009-12-16
修复了 SWF 中相同字体的一些粗体/粗体和非粗体形式显示不当时某些文本无法正确显示的问题。修复了某些字体未显示粗体或粗体文本的问题 - 版本 发布于 2006-04-21
为 IE、可配置旋转中心、支持负载电影操作的 Eolas 专利问题提供解决方法
- 软件分类: 网络开发 > 闪存工具
- 发布者: Step Ahead Software
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $29.95
- 版本:
- 适用平台: windows
STEP AHEAD SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. About this license 2. Copyright 3. Evaluation License 4. Gold License 5. All Licenses 6. Warranty 7. Authority to Distribute on CD-ROM, web sites etc., ABOUT THIS LICENSE By using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this legal Agreement between you, the end user ("User"), and Step Ahead Software ("Step Ahead Software"). If you do not agree to these terms, Step Ahead Software is unwilling to license the Software to you and you should promptly remove the Software from your computer, and erase any backups or copies you may have made. This is a license agreement between Step Ahead Software and the User of a copy of the AnFX tool set, whether evaluation or otherwise, made up of the AnFX applet ("the applet") and the AnFX design studio ("the designer") and associated software, data and documentation and collectively known as "the software". COPYRIGHT The software program "AnFX" and its accompanying distribution files (to be hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Software"), is and shall remain the property of Step Ahead Software. In addition and without any limitation to the foregoing the rights to reproduce, multiply and make copies of the Software is an shall remain the exclusive property of Step Ahead Software except as otherwise provided for in this agreement. The Software is protected by all applicable copyright laws and international treaties. Step Ahead Software grants you a non-exclusive license to use its accompanying software product ("Software") for a single installation and usage on a single computer EVALUATION LICENSE This section applies if you have not purchased a user license from Step Ahead Software. For a period of 30 days from the date you first received the evaluation software Step Ahead Software grants you the non exclusive right to use the AnFX animation design software on a single computer to build designs. You may generate Flash and Java animations using it, and you may publish the Java animation files on a web server, but they will have a message at the top directing viewers to the Step Ahead website. The Flash animations may only be run locally on your PC. The use of this evaluation version is further constrained as follows: (1) Use is for evaluation only. You are not granted the right to distribute or otherwise make available any data, designs or files, source code or class files included with or produced with the assistance of this product. (2) Your evaluation period terminates 30 days after receiving the software for the first time. If you wish to use this part of this product or any design generated by this product after this time you must purchase a license (see for details of how to do this). After purchasing you will receive an electronic key by email which will turn your evaluation copy into a working copy. (3) The .AFX data files generated by the AnFX designer will work when played locally on your PC but will display an evaluation message when loaded across the internet. You will need to purchase a full user license to have this message removed for use over the internet. The conditions below under "ALL LICENSES" also apply to this evaluation license. GOLD LICENSE The rights granted in this section apply only if you have purchased a "Gold License" from Step Ahead Software or one of their authorrized affiliates. Step Ahead Software grants you the non exclusive right to use the AnFX animation design software on your home computer AND your work computer (if applicable) so long as the software is only ever used on one of these PCs at any given time. The intent in granting you this right is to enable you to work on AnFX designs from both home and work. AnFX designs can be deployed as either Flash (in which case the exported .swf file(s) can be uploaded to the appropriate web site(s)) or as Java (in which case the compact AnFX Java applet code is uploaded to your website in addition to any animation file(s) .afx. Step Ahead Software grants you the non exclusive right to install the AnFX applet code (these are the files with .class, *.cab and *.jar file extensions) - on as many different web sites as you want, for the sole purpose of running AnFX animations which have been developed by you on "the PCs" using your licensed copy of the AnFX animation design software. You must not use it for any other purpose. You MAY deploy the AnFX designs you make and the required AnFX applet files on another website for which you are developing content) You MUST NOT distribute the AnFX animation design software to anyone else in any form except as allowed in the section AUTHORITY TO DISTRIBUTE below. ALL LICENSES This section applies to the all AnFX licenses. You MUST: - remain solely responsible to anyone executing a design developed by you using AnFX. - indemnify and hold Step Ahead Software and its suppliers harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising out of the use, reproduction or distribution of the program or its execution. - comply fully with all relevant export laws and regulations of the United States to assure that the software or any part thereof is not exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of United States law. You MUST NOT - distribute, give away, or publish or otherwise make available, any serial number(s) or keys. - use AnFX to assist in the deployment of a banner ad NETWORK (you can of course use AnFX to create an add for your services or products on your website or, if you have purchased a Gold license, your clients services products or services on their web site). To deploy AnFX in such a network is contrary to this license. If you are interested in using this technology to create a banner ad network you should email: [email protected] stating your interest in our banner ad product. - use AnFX for the creation or deployment of multimedia content on a CD-ROM. Please contact Step Ahead Software for details regarding our special CD-ROM license. - distribute to any person or make available on any machine any portions of this software except if you have purchased a user license and then your rights to distribute portions of the software are limited to those expressly granted in the appropriate section above. - disassemble, decompile, recompile, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce the Software to a human perceivable form. - make any copies of the Software, except a reasonable number of backup copies used solely for backup purposes except as permitted below in AUTHORITY TO DISTRIBUTE. - transfer any of these rights to another party without Step Ahead Software's written permission. - modify, network, rent, lend, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software, in whole or in part. - remove from the Software or accompanying materials any copyright or trademark notices, logos, product or company names, labels or identifications. - use the AnFX player for any other purpose than to play designs created by a licensed copy of the AnFX Design Studio. - make any modifications to the software or any part thereof Any enhancements, modifications or changes incorporated into the software as a result of feature requests, bug reports or other feedback also become and remain the property of Step Ahead Software. You understand that not all features that can be set up in the AnFX studio are available for all export formats. You should check for details of available features for each export format. WARRANTY This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Step Ahead Software or Macromedia or any of its licensors be liable to you for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising from the use or inability to use this software, even if Step Ahead Software has been advised of such damages. All patents, copyrights and other intellectual property in this product remain the property of Step Ahead Software Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia. If for any reason any portions of this agreement are not enforceable or unlawful then all other remaining portions will still form a valid license agreement. AUTHORITY TO DISTRIBUTE You may distribute the unmodified self installing executable which can be downloaded from (32 is for Win 32 not version 3.2) via - Web sites - FTP sites - CD-ROMS associated with magazines or books - FTP sites that distribute CD-ROMS Please endeavour to obtain and distribute the latest version available near press time. Web masters may prefer to provide a link to the above URL (instead of providing the program directly) to ensure that their site visitors pick up the latest version. Only an unmodified version of this self installing executable may be distributed. This authority to distribute is limited by the following constraints: - You must not charge a fee, rent or otherwise receive money for the executable other than the cost of media or a magazine or book which a CD-ROM containing the program is attached to. - You are prohibited from defeating evaluation version limitations or making available or distributing in any way, unauthorized serial numbers/keys.