AnyMini L: Line Count Program 5

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AnyMini L 是自动线路计数软件。它是支持 的所有常见文件格式的行计数程序。医生。Rtf。Xls。Ppt。Pps。Htm。Csv。Pdf。Txt。Xml。Mif。WPD , .ZIP,由 AnyCount 文本计数引擎供电。 支持 的行计数。MIF (Adobe 帧创建器)、XML(可翻译标记语言)和 。添加 WPD(核心 WordPerfect)文件; 显示已添加的完整路径选项; 将行计数结果导出到 PDF 中。 添加了"跳过数字"功能; 注释可以计数在 中。DOC 和 。RTF 文件; 中文、日文和韩文的本机行计数支持; 增加速度线计数; PDF 文本的行数现在完全自动化且自给自足,不需要安装 Adobe Acrobat 阅读器; 您可以查看各种单位的行计数结果,而无需再次计算文本; 增强的"添加文件"对话框。 查看全球成千上万用户使用的高级国际翻译人员使用的其他文本计数产品: 任何计数:单词计数、字符计数和行计数软件在


  • 版本 5 发布于 2006-01-06



AnyMini L: Line Count Software (c) Copyright, Advanced International Translations, 1999-2005. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this software indicates your acceptance of these license agreements and warranties. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you are not authorized and may not use the software. SINGLE-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, TRIAL PERIOD Advanced International Translations grants to the Licensee who obtained trial download (either electronically or on physical media) from Advanced International Translations or any of its distributors a non-exclusive, nontransferable license to use the trial download of AnyMini W under the terms and conditions of this License. The trial download of AnyMini W, v.4.0 (hereinafter reffered to as AnyMini W Trial Download) is copyrighted proprietary product of Advanced International Translations. This is license, not a transfer of title, and therefore AnyMini W Trial Download may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without Advanced International Translations prior written permission. Except as expressly provided herein, Advanced International Translations does not grant any express or implied right to Licensee under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information of Advanced International Translations. Licensee may use his or her copy of AnyMini W Trial Download for a single evaluation period of 30 days. Licensee shall not, without prior written permission from Advanced International Translations, nor permit anyone else, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, rent, lease, network, distribute, loan, or create derivative works based on the AnyMini W Trial Download code or its help and documentation in whole or in part, resell the AnyMini W Trial Download for profit without explicit permission of Advanced International Translations, remove any proprietary notices or labels on the AnyMini W Trial Download, use any part of the AnyMini W Trial Download for commercial purposes except as intended by creators of the program (counting of lines, characters, words and pages in various documents) or purposes which in any way can damage commercial interests and reputation of Advanced International Translations. Any and all information obtained during unlawful reverse engineering, decompiling or other activities, including but not limited to, the organization, dialogs, input forms, logic, algorithms, database structure, and other features of AnyMini W Trial Download, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary information of Advanced International Translations. Licensee owns the diskette, CD-ROM or hard-drive on which AnyMini W Trial Download and/or its setup and extensions are recorded, but Advanced International Translations retains title to AnyMini W Trial Download, its extensions and accompanying documentation. This title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights of AnyMini W Trial Download shall remain with Advanced International Translations. AnyMini W Trial Download is protected by local and international copyright laws and treaties. Disclaimer of Warranty Advanced International Translations is run by honest and responsible people and employs people who make their best to release the products which will suit best the needs of international community of PC users. However, unnecessary legal dispute initiated by a single person can distract resources of Advanced International Translations, and therefore, decrease quality of support and speed of further development, offered to the whole clientele of Advanced International Translations. Therefore, similarly to most software publishers Advanced International Translations, to the full extent permissible by applicable law, disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the program. The end-user assumes all risk as to the suitability, quality, and performance of the program. In no event will Advanced International Translations, or its directors, officers, employees or affiliates, be liable to the end-user for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of data or business information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the program or accompanying written materials, even if Advanced International Translations has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Liability of the Advanced International Translations to the end-user (if any) for actual direct damages for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will be limited to, and in no event shall exceed, the amount originally paid to Advanced International Translations for the license of the AnyMini W. No delay or failure to take action under these terms and conditions will constitute a waiver by Advanced International Translations unless expressly waived in writing by a duly authorized officer of Advanced International Translations. Advanced International Translations may terminate this license at any time if Licensee is in breach of any of these terms and conditions of use. Upon such termination Licensee must and agree to immediately destroy all his or her copies of the AnyMini W Trial Download. SINGLE-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, REGISTERED USER Advanced International Translations grants to the Licensee whose name appears in AnyMini W License Key duly purchased from Advanced International Translations or any of its distributors a non-exclusive, nontransferable license to use AnyMini W and its documentation under the terms and conditions of this License. AnyMini W and any its extensions (hereafter referred to as AnyMini W) are copyrighted proprietary products of Advanced International Translations. This is license, not a transfer of title, and therefore AnyMini W may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without Advanced International Translations prior written permission. Except as expressly provided herein, Advanced International Translations does not grant any express or implied right to Licensee under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information of Advanced International Translations. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS: a) Licensee is a private person Private Licensee may use his or her copy of AnyMini W installed with his or her License Key personally on unlimited number of computers. Licensee is not limited to one computer only as Advanced International Translations understands and respects the possible necessity in modern mobile world of use of AnyMini W in multiple office locations, or/and on notebook. But only Licensee, the person who has purchased the copy of AnyMini W and whose name is specified in a License Key can work with any installation of copy of License Key, enabled with his or her License Key. Any other person should buy own License Key before using AnyMini W. Licensee agrees to prevent any copying of the AnyMini W setup, License Key or any other part of it by other persons. b) Licensee is organisation If Licensee is organisation, AnyMini W may be installed on a number of PCs, specified in a License (1 or more). If additional seats are necessary, license upgrade should be considered. Licensee shall not, without prior written permission from Advanced International Translations, nor permit anyone else, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, rent, lease, network, distribute, loan, or create derivative works based on the AnyMini W code or its documentation in whole or in part, transfer any part of AnyMini W including but not limited to AnyMini W setup, installation and License Key to other person or company, resell AnyMini W for profit without explicit permission of Advanced International Translations, remove any proprietary notices or labels on AnyMini W, use any part of AnyMini W for commercial purposes except as intended by creators of the program (counting of words, characters, lines or pages in various documents) or purposes which in any way can damage commercial interests and reputation of Advanced International Translations. Any and all information obtained during unlawful reverse engineering, decompiling or other activities, including but not limited to, the organization, dialogs, input forms, logic, algorithms, database structure, and other features of AnyMini W, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary information of Advanced International Translations. Licensee owns the diskette, CD-ROM or hard-drive on which AnyMini W and/or its setup and extensions are recorded, but Advanced International Translations retains title to AnyMini W, its extensions and accompanying documentation. This title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights of AnyMini W shall remain with Advanced International Translations. AnyMini W is protected by local and international copyright laws and treaties. Disclaimer of Warranty Advanced International Translations is run by honest and responsible people and employs people who make their best to release the products which will suit best the needs of international community of PC users. However, unnecessary legal dispute initiated by a single person can distract resources of Advanced International Translations, and therefore, decrease quality of support and speed of further development, offered to the whole clientele of Advanced International Translations. Therefore, similarly to most software publishers Advanced International Translations, to the full extent permissible by applicable law, disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the program. The end-user assumes all risk as to the suitability, quality, and performance of the program. In no event will Advanced International Translations, or its directors, officers, employees or affiliates, be liable to the end-user for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of data or business information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the program or accompanying written materials, even if Advanced International Translations has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Liability of the Advanced International Translations to the end-user (if any) for actual direct damages for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will be limited to, and in no event shall exceed, the amount originally paid to Advanced International Translations for the license of AnyMini W. No delay or failure to take action under these terms and conditions will constitute a waiver by Advanced International Translations unless expressly waived in writing by a duly authorized officer of Advanced International Translations. Advanced International Translations may terminate this license at any time if Licensee is in breach of any of these terms and conditions of use. Upon such termination Licensee must and agree to immediately destroy all his or her copies of AnyMini W.