有很多图形编辑器。它们用于查看和编辑一个图像。如果您需要转换一种格式的文件,然后根据一种方案处理它们,那又如何呢?如果您有几十个文件要处理,那该要处理呢?您将需要几个月和几个月,如果你这样做的方式,通常的图形编辑器。 为了使这个过程快速和完全自动,我们建议您使用优化的程序来图形处理文件组。 转换器 "AnyToJpeg" 允许您将任何图像转换为 jpeg 格式,并通过旋转、拉伸、裁剪、边框等功能对其进行编辑。它易于使用,不需要任何特殊技能。"AnyToJpeg"帮助您轻松转换数十个文件,并使用程序的简单且易于理解的界面,根据一种方案处理这些文件。 "AnyToJpeg" 支持基本图形格式: GIF、 BMP 、 JPEG 、 PCX 、 PSD 、 TIFF 等. 该软件是在 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 操作系统下开发和测试的。
- 版本 3.0 发布于 2009-02-02
添加对 400 多个图形格式的支持
- 软件分类: 图形应用 > 其他
- 发布者: PhotoActions
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $24.95
- 版本: 3.0
- 适用平台: windows
The AnyToJpeg is distributed as try-before-you-buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to AnyToJpeg are exclusively owned by the author - PhotoActions. 2. Anyone may use this software during a test period of 30 days. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use AnyToJpeg, you MUST register. 3. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use AnyToJpeg on one computer (i.e. a single cpu), for any legal purpose, at a time. The registered AnyToJpeg software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The AnyToJpeg unregistered trial version, may be freely distributed, and with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of AnyToJpeg without written permission from the copyright holder. The AnyToJpeg unregistered trial version may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the copyright holder. 5. To register you must send registration fee, to one of the authorized registration sites, see REGISTER.TXT. 6. ANYTOJPEG IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 7. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by PhotoActions. 8. Installing and using AnyToJpeg signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 9. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove AnyToJpeg files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.