Aurora 是一款功能强大的 32 位编译器,具有集成开发环境,具有高级编译器、汇编和链接器。 Aurora 具有 C/C++语法,具有高级命令,非常适合学生和高级程序员。Aurora 可以创建独立的可执行文件,无需运行时库。设计为具有 Windows 和 Linux 版本的跨平台编译器。 当前功能包括: # 快速 32 位编译器、汇编器和链接器。 # 使用标准 COFF 和 LIB 格式文件实现最大兼容性。 # 使用加载项命令库轻松升级。 # 集成编辑器、源级调试器和编译器。 * 多模块编程支持无限制的源和包含文件。 # 与 Windows ™接口。 * Com 和 Oop (类) 支持。 * 支持 Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista。 * 内部单码支持。 * 开发中的 Linux 支持。 # 内置 GUI/窗体设计器。 * 内置菜单设计器。 # 内置类设计器 # 集成资源编译器。 # 内置 GUI、数据库、实用程序、2D 和 3D 游戏类。 # Directx 9 支持 # 所有工具都可以从命令行和 IDE 运行。
- 版本 1.0-RC5 发布于 2009-06-11
64 位更改、数据对齐、汇编器选项。 - 版本 1.0-RC1 发布于 2007-01-29
调试器环境、CTreeView 更改、项目更改、固定堆错误
- 软件分类: 发展 > 编译器和解释器
- 发布者: Ionic Wind Software
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $54.95
- 版本: 1.0
- 适用平台: windows
Demo License: You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. You are hereby licensed to: - Use the demo version of the Aurora Compiler for a maximum of 10 days at which point the program will cease to run - Make as many copies of the demo version of this software and documentation as you wish. - Give exact copies of the original demo version to anyone you wish. - Distribute exact copies of the original demo version in its unmodified form, either by electronic means or on physical media. You are specifically prohibited from: - Charging more than the reasonable cost of materials for distributing the demo version. - "Reverse engineering" this product for any purpose whatsoever. - Advertising the demo version on sites that contain material that may be illegal, or inappropriate for children. - Attempting to remove any copyright or trademark notice. After the 10 day evaluation period you must either delete the evaluation version of Aurora from your computer, or purchase the full version of the software. Unregistered use of Aurora after the 10 day evaluation period is not possible. Disclaimer of Warranty THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS; YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS, WHICH VARY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY AND STATE TO STATE. Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 98 are a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.