Base Feeder for Recipes 3.0

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基本进纸器是一个易于使用的软件工具,可帮助您创建和提交您的 Google 基础项目,只需一小部分时间和精力,如果您要手动完成。谷歌基地是一个地方,你可以很容易地提交所有类型的内容,这将是可以在谷歌上搜索。您可以描述您使用属性发布的任何项目,这将有助于人们在进行相关搜索时找到它。根据您的项目相关性,用户可能会在他们的搜索结果中找到它们,用于在 Froogle、Google 地图甚至主要的 Google 网络搜索中进行搜索。这提供了一个巨大的机会,介绍您的项目和产品给客户,否则你可能会花费数百万美元在广告覆盖。如果您是在线商家或拥有网站,在 Google 基地中列出您的商品是向成千上万的客户进行市场销售的自由方式。加入谷歌基地是免费的。要将您的项目列在 Google 基地上,您需要创建并提交数据馈送。手动设置到 Google Base 的数据馈送既困难、耗时又无效。这就是我们的产品和服务可以帮助您的地方。基本进纸器是一个软件工具,创建您的谷歌基础数据馈送轻松和快速。当您创建数据馈送时,它消除了繁琐的人工并节省宝贵的时间。您可以以交互方式添加配方,检查数据的有效性,生成 Google Base 数据馈送格式,并将源文件提交到您的帐户。易用性:无论您有 10 个还是 10000 个食谱,食谱基本喂食器都让您轻松管理食谱。 熟悉的 UI:使用已熟悉的电子表格界面导航、添加或编辑配方。 多种格式:您创建配方可以保存或导出为 Google 基地支持的五种格式中的任何一种。 捷径以节省您的时间:验证数据和网址:基本进纸器还内置了数据和网站地址验证器,以节省您的时间和精力重新提交到谷歌基地。


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2006-11-12



PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. LICENSE AGREEMENT Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty This is a legal agreement between you, the 'end user,' and SiteAll ('the author'). Downloading of this software program (the 'SOFTWARE') indicates your acceptance of these terms. COPYRIGHT The Software is owned by the author (except where stated) and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. GRANT OF LICENSE The author hereby grants the end user non-exclusive right to use one copy of the software by the end user personally on one or more computer (s). All other rights not expressly granted are reserved by the author. The end user may store one or more copies of the software offline, on secondary storage media (i.e. tape, diskette) for backup purposes. The end user may not charge or receive any consideration from any other person for the receipt or use of the Software without receiving the author's prior written consent. If the end user wish to include the Software as part of a 'shareware compilation', please contact the author for written consent. The end user may not: modify, translate, disassemble, de-compile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based upon the Software. The end user agrees to use his/her best efforts to see that any user of the Software licensed hereunder complies with this Agreement. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software is provided 'AS IS', without warranty of any kind. The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this limited warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective media or documentation and shall not include or extend to any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software or special, incidental or consequential damages, or other similar claims, even if the author has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will the author's liability for any damages to the end user or any other person ever exceed the lower of the list price or the actual price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ALL OTHER IMPLIED TERMS ARE EXCLUDED. Specifically, the author makes no representation or warranty that the software or documentation are 'error-free', or meet any user's particular standards, requirements, or needs. In all events, any implied warranty, representation, condition or other term is limited to the physical media and documentation and is limited to the 90-day duration of the limited warranty. The author is not responsible for, and does not make any representation, warranty, or condition concerning product, media, software, or documentation not manufactured or supplied by the author, such as third-parties' programs that are designed using the author programs or files. GENERAL This license will be construed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, except for that body of law dealing with conflicts of law. If any provision of this License shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining provisions of this license will remain in full force and effect.