它是在 Filemaker 上开发的运行时应用程序,具有八个不同的区域: 我的网络 提供按类别组织和分类首选网站的可能性,并查看,当您需要。 社交网络在所有会话期间可用。 网络笔记 在这里,您可以组织您的数字参考,按主题和子主题排序,并配有注释和注释。附加您可以查看、听到或读取的文件,如 PDF、图像、视频、声音或任何其他文件类型。 音频备忘录 此区域允许您组织会议、音频笔记或外部音频文件的音频录制。记录具有日期和时间以及您的注释。 额外 访问网站与有用的公式,食谱,货币转换,天气预报等。 电子邮件 在此区域中,您可以访问、存档和发送和接收 BASEMAGIC PRO 上多个电子邮件帐户的电子邮件。 任务 每日任务管理器,执行任务控制。 WEB 资源 在这里,您可以访问所有生产力工具(文字处理器、电子表格、演示文稿、日历、文档管理器、项目经理、WIKI、传真、发送到任何国家/地区的电话、绘制程序流程图、OCR、翻译和工具网络管理,或自定义您的环境。 接触 在这里,您可以获得联系人的信息,并可使用关联的地图和网页进行访问和更新。 您可以使用此区域存储商店、公司、机构、服务的详细信息,以及您的意见、注释和链接。 存储 BASEMAGIC PRO 可从简单的 Usb 笔(我们建议使用 8Gb 或更大)、外部硬盘驱动器或安装在计算机上,以自主方式工作,无需额外的设施。版本 MAC / WIN 在两个系统中运行,因此您只需要一台 USB 笔,并在您希望的计算机上使用该程序。 数据将存储在您的 Usb 笔上。获取计算机时,只需复制 BASEMAGIC PRO 文件夹并粘贴,替换计算机上的主文件夹 BASEMAGIC PRO。
- 版本 1.0_win_version 发布于 2012-09-10
- 软件分类: 业务 > 数据库和工具
- 发布者: Dream Catcher Consultants Ltd.
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $69.00
- 版本: 1.0
- 适用平台: windows
SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT FOR BASEMAGIC PRO WIN VERSION This Software Distribution Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT") is a legal AGREEMENT between you, and Dream Catcher Consultants Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "AUTHOR") for distributing the computer software program entitled BASERMAGIC PRO WIN Version (hereinafter referred to as "SOFTWARE"). GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS •AUTHOR shall be credited as the owner of the SOFTWARE in all distribution of the SOFTWARE. AUTHOR is the exclusive world-wide licenser of the SOFTWARE, and the copyrights and other proprietary rights therein. The SOFTWARE is intended solely for distribution as SHAREWARE (i.e., try-before-you-buy software); it is not public domain or free software or freeware. •The SOFTWARE shall be identified by name and shall be identified as SHAREWARE in all distribution. •You may copy and/or distribute the SOFTWARE only in its original, unaltered form, with all files included unmodified, and without making any additions, modifications or deletions except as provided in this paragraph. You may not modify the SOFTWARE or any of its files, and the SOFTWARE must be distributed as a complete package. You may not change, delete, merge or rename any files or elements of the SOFTWARE in any manner, and you may not add any files or new elements (except for installation routines which do not interfere with the proper operation or installation of the SOFTWARE). •Since the SOFTWARE is intended for distribution only as SHAREWARE, you shall not charge any fee or other compensation for the SOFTWARE, although you may charge a distribution fee for costs associated with distributing the SOFTWARE. You are permitted, and encouraged, to make and distribute copies of the SOFTWARE to your friends, family members and co-workers for your and their private non-commercial use, in compliance with the terms and conditions hereof.