战蛇不是经典的蛇游戏,战蛇是蛇游戏的新水平,标志着它的外观开始新的早午餐的发展游戏流派。古典蛇基地在这个蛇游戏与动作射击活动大结合。 所有的战蛇在经典的2D顶视图完成。在世纪中的3D街机这样的游戏成为一个大稀有,所以战斗蛇成为蛇游戏迷真正的礼物。 毫无疑问,吸引你注意的东西是这个蛇游戏的华丽图形。活泼的彩色战斗蛇被分为4个绝对不同的区域,如绿色的花田,冰冷的北方与它的降雪,地下洞穴与河流充满了熔岩,高科技不明飞行物。每个区域都有特色,包括特殊食物。 战斗蛇高兴, 它是无休止的战斗。枪声,爆炸,蛇的评论 - 这一切与动作音乐。根据你的技能选择难度级别,使地球摆脱奴役。为了使这个有吸引力的和驾驶过程更迷人,你可以玩战斗蛇与你的朋友。对一个人来说,什么问题对二人来说就什么都不是了。 在4个区域通过由外星机器人守卫的80级,将行星蛇从奴役中解放出来。祝你在从外星侵略者那里解放蛇的路上好运!
- 版本 2.1 发布于 2007-03-17
- All copyrights to Battle Snake are exclusively owned by RealApex. - Battle Snake is shareware. - You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. Also you are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. - Battle Snake IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. - You may make as many copies of the SHAREWARE version of this distribution package as you wish; you may give exact copies of the original SHAREWARE version of this distribution package; distribute the SHAREWARE version of this distribution package in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. RealApex allow and encourage all web sites, on-line services, shareware disk vendors, CD-ROM vendors, bulletin board systems, and end-users to freely distribute the shareware version of this Software. It is generally not necessary to contact RealApex for authorization, and you may begin offering the shareware version immediately. - You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the shareware version of this software and documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original shareware version to anyone; and distribute the shareware version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. - Installing and using Battle Snake signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Battle Snake files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. - Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Battle Snake on one computer. The registered version of Battle Snake may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to terms of this license. - To obtain exclusive license to use Battle Snake you have to contact with RealApex and get written permission.