跟踪员工在项目、工作、合同等上花费的时间和开支并开具发票。易于使用,价格实惠。您的所有员工将在几分钟内学会使用此计划。 您的员工无需手动填写时间表。现在一切都自动完成。创建项目(工作、服务请求、内部任务、管理或任何其他工作),您的员工直接在屏幕上填写自己的时间表 - 这就是所有内容! 适合所有员工真正易于使用的界面。每天只需一到两分钟即可完成一份正常时间表(大约 4 个条目),因此,与传统方式在纸上记录相比,他们不会损失任何时间。 您将能够实时访问项目的人工时间和成本。只需点击几下,你就会知道您在哪里。在项目上花了多长时间?谁工作过?当?到目前为止,劳动力成本加起来是多少?等。 您可以创建自己的项目类别。例如,您可以为 "S - 服务请求"项目创建一个特殊类别,一个用于 "AD - 管理"一个为 "P - 长期项目创建,另一个用于 "RD - 研发 "等等。此类类别的一个优点是,员工在填写时间表时可以轻松找到他们正在寻找的项目。这意味着您更容易检查数据和报告。 您可以为每个项目类别设置一系列不同的活动代码。对于每个项目类别,您最多可以创建 30 个不同的活动代码。您的员工在创建其时间表时选择活动代码。例如,对于"管理"项目类别,活动代码可以是:"提交"发票""工资 Payroll""会议"对于"服务请求"和"项目"类别,代码可以用于:"旅行""电话支持""现场支持"等等。
- 版本 3.0.2520 发布于 2011-05-03
添加了一些功能。现在可以向项目添加零件并创建固定价格项目。修复了一些错误。 - 版本 3.0 发布于 2009-11-12
- 软件分类: 业务 > 项目管理
- 发布者: Vinity Soft
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $199.95
- 版本: 3.0.2520
- 适用平台: windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. Grant of License. This is a legal Agreement between you and Vinity Soft. The terms of this Agreement govern your use of this program. By requesting this program, you are agreeing to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please immediately uninstall the program from your computer. In consideration for your payment of the license fee, which is your purchase price of the program, Vinity Soft grants to you a nonexclusive right to use and display this copy on a single computer. You may not copy it and give the copy to others to use or own, or share it on a network. Vinity Soft retains ownership and title of the program, both as originally recorded and all subsequent copies made. This License is not a sale of the original program or any copy. This program is licensed only to you and may not be transferred, assigned, rented, leased, sold or otherwise disposed of to anyone else. 2. Unauthorized copying of the program is expressly forbidden. You may not distribute copies of this program to others. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the program. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or incurred by your failure to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Subject to these restrictions, you may make as many copies as you need for archival use; that is, for the sole purpose of backing up your program and protecting your investment from loss, as long as the archival copy contains the same proprietary notices as appear in this program. 3. Termination. This License is effective until terminated. This license will terminate automatically without notice from Vinity Soft if you fail to comply with any provisions of this License. Upon termination you shall destroy all copies of the program. 4. Disclaimer of Warranties. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS PROGRAM IS DELIVERED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND BY EITHER Vinity Soft OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF SUCH PROGRAM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 5. Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL Vinity Soft BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ACCOUNT OF ANY CLAIM (WHETHER BASED UPON PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORT, BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY DUTY, PRINCIPLES OF INDEMNITY, THE FAILURE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY TO ACHIEVE ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, OR FOR ANY DAMAGES OR SUMS PAID BY YOU TO THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF Vinity Soft HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Quebec. You consent to the jurisdiction of the province and federal courts located in the province of Quebec for all disputes related to this Agreement.