Bookkeeping Software with Barcode

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专业的库存管理软件只需点击一下即可跟踪日常开支、交易和财务状况。应用程序有效地管理每个业务财务生成专业的发票,以资产负债表,分类帐,销售采购订单等格式。计费和库存管理软件改进了公司的计费支持系统,并提供了安全、经济高效的会计机制,减少了记账错误。 程序就是这样的设计,完全能够实时管理需求方和业务供应方。库存资产管理工具为用户提供交互式 GUI 界面,提供按产品详细信息、凭证编号、客户代码、名称、销售类型、日期和条形码标签及其解码值的顺序自定义业务账单的选项。实用程序支持 .Net 框架,并可以很容易地安装/卸载任何窗口操作,包括 Windows Vista 家庭基本, 高级, XP, NT, ME, 98, 2003 服务器和 2000.计费开票软件可被许多技术或非技术企业使用,例如农业、电信业、房地产、零售行业和 IT 行业。 特征: * 带条形码的库存处理程序软件可以管理销售采购订单、每日交易记录、付款发票和收入。 * 专业会计软件在销售采购订单、资产负债表、分类帐等类型中生成无差错财务报告。 * 计费和库存管理工具提供实时业务管理,可快速自定义簿记报告。 * 会计计费软件支持所有窗口操作系统,包括Windows Vista。


  • 版本 发布于 2008-01-11



You may 1) Use one copy of the software on a single computer or install and use the Software on the specific Central Processing Units identified on the purchase order or other documentation relating to this Licence Agreement 2) Copy the software onto the hard disk of the computer and retain the original for archival purposes only. You may not 1) Use the Software for purposes other than as authorized in this Licence Agreement or knowingly permit anyone else to do so 2) Disclose any part of the Product to anyone or make any part of the Software, documentation or other material you may receive from Pro Data Doctor Pvt Ltd. relating to the Product available to anyone 3) Install the software on the network 4) Sell, transfer, sublicence, lend, rent, lease or give the product to any third party or allow any third party to use the product unless you are an Authorised Reseller or have written permission from Pro Data Doctor Pvt Ltd 5) Transfer this to another person or allow another person to use such other versions 6) Reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble, modify, translate, and attempt to discover the source code of the Software or permit others to do so.