本在线课程将演示如何使用 MS Excel 构建复杂的自动股票交易模型。Microsoft 的可视化基础 (VBA) 语言与 Excel 的用户界面、公式和计算功能结合使用,以提供强大而灵活的交易工具。该模型包括五个经过验证的技术指标(ADX、移动平均交叉、随机、布林带和 DMI)。通过创建工作表、文件、范围、指标公式、控制按钮、DDE/Active-X 链接和代码模块,可以逐步指导您。构建模型,导入价格数据,通过单击按钮运行模型,并做出交易决策。使用趋势交易和摆动交易功能。操作与您选择的免费 ASCII 。TXT 文件可在互联网上提供,或订阅数据服务。可以单独使用或结合您现有的基本面和市场分析,以改善投资时机,避免无利可图的情况。此外,还包含一个单独的预构建回溯测试模型,用于历史分析和测试各种库存和时间段。与 Excel 2007、2003 和 1997 一起适用于 WinXP 和 Vista。 你得到的: 一个巨大的 3- in-1 值! - 在线课程,介绍如何构建和操作模型 PLUS VBA 代码和常见问题部分 - 使用电子信号QLink和雅虎金融将价格导入Excel的详细说明 - MS Excel 中预构建的回溯测试模型,包含图形和交易统计信息 - 即时在线访问下载材料并参加课程 好处 - 学习将 Excel、VBA、公式和数据源集成到交易工具中 - 为任何 Excel 建模项目获取独特的知识 - 通过消除经常性软件成本节省资金 - 在几秒钟内计算数百只股票的交易信号 技术要求 - Windows 的 MS Excel(2007、2003 或 1997) - 5Mb 磁盘空间 - 每日开盘-高-低-收盘股票数据 - 可选:Excel 的 DDE/Active-X 价格导入链接
- 版本 v1 发布于 2008-12-01
- 软件分类: 业务 > 投资工具
- 发布者: Financial-edu.com
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $89.95
- 版本: 1
- 适用平台: windows
END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT for Building an Automated Stock Trading System in Excel Copyright 2000-2009 Financial-edu.com COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This course, including the text, trading model system logic, images, computer files, product descriptions, and other accompanying material is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. No reproduction or distribution of any sort is permitted without the express written consent of Financial-edu.com. All rights reserved. SINGLE USER LICENSE; USE OF COURSE MATERIALS: Your purchase provides you with a single user license to use the course materials for your own personal use only. The files, formulas, code, formats, and layouts of the files are copyrighted material and may not be distributed in any way, including in modified form. Your single user license allows you to incorporate this information into your own trading or analysis models, software, spreadsheets, or derivative works, however any distribution or resale of these derivative works incorporating our content in original or modified form outside of your own personal use requires a further written license. USE OF LOGIN AND PASSWORD: Your access login and password is for your own use only -- any sharing of your login information will result in billing you the full amount for each additional user detected. Your respect of our intellectual property rights is important in making this product a useful resource. We thank you for your consideration! ACCEPTANCE OF LICENSE AGREEMENT: You automatically accept and agree to obey the terms of this LICENSE AGREEMENT by logging into the online course content or viewing, saving, or storing any course materials, including text, trading model system logic, images, computer files, and other accompanying material. Due to the electronic nature of the course content, this acceptance is automatic and cannot be revoked by you, in whole or part.