Calcute 11.5.27

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 153.44 KB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

免费和紧凑,但有能力的磁带计算器。比标准计算器更高级的是表达式评估器,允许您处理任意复杂的数字表达式,如: -ln(1+2)*3% = 罪(4 56)=7 到十六进制 - 十六进制 '0.FBA16476611D 如本示例中所示,您甚至可以输入精确的小数值,如 4 56,而不是十进制近似值(如 4.83333333...算术软件例程用于防止与计算机硬件关联的常见舍入错误。许多科学函数都受支持:对数和指数、三角函数和双曲线函数、正态函数和反向函数。支持二进制、八进制和十六进制数字基础。 在多行编辑模式下,所有过去的表达式和结果都保留在磁带上,以便编辑以前的作品、重新计算它、直接剪切和粘贴到磁带或其他文档上、自动或手动将工作保存到文件中、稍后还原以及在中断的位置继续工作。使用紧凑的单行模式将 Calcute 缩小到隐藏在屏幕一角的微小单线实用程序。或者使用其更灵活的多行编辑模式:将其拉伸到任何大小的长计算器磁带中,或将其最大化到全屏,实现完整的多行编辑灵活性。由于保留所有过去的计算,您可以修改它们,并根据需要单独重新计算它们。 选择系统上任何大小可用的字体。还要单独调整按钮大小,以满足您的喜好。显示或隐藏按钮:显示用鼠标单击的键盘或隐藏以节省桌面空间并使用键盘输入计算。您可以交换期间和逗号的使用,以便使用国际数值符号。您可以对整个数字进行三组或不分组。启用始终在顶部的模式,使 Calcute 始终可见。选择您首选起始位置的屏幕快照位置或保留最后一个位置。所有详细信息都在包含的在线帮助文件中描述。


  • 版本 11.5.27 发布于 2011-05-27
  • 版本 7.2.3 发布于 2007-02-03



Calcute License Calcute (the "software") is offered exclusively to those who can abide by the remaining terms of this license. If you do not agree with these or if your jurisdiction makes them unenforceable then you do not have permission to use or to retain this software, you may not install it on a computer system, and you must delete it if it has already been installed. Permissions Everyone is authorized to utilize the software for any purpose except as stipulated in the remaining terms of this license. Exoneration Anyone who makes use of the software for any purpose acknowledges that it does not present any guarantee either expressed or implied, regarding suitability or fitness for any use. The software is provided "as is". By using it in any manner, all users remain solely responsible for the consequences of this use and will not hold the author, copyright holder or distributor responsible for any direct or indirect result of this use, including but not limited to damages, liability, tort or any other effect in connection with it. Intellectual Property No one is authorized to modify, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise investigate any part of the software. It was created to be utilized, not analyzed. This software and its accompanying documentation are copyrighted. This intellectual property is not transfered to anyone. Copyright 2004-2011 R. Lefebvre, Delta, British Columbia, Canada