CameraWare Standalone Viewer 4.04

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.68 MB
‎用户评分: 2.6/5 - ‎15 ‎评分

相机软件独立查看器功能: 更快的移动视频!快六倍!! 是的,是真的!CameraWare 独立查看器可让您观看实时网络摄像头操作的速度比我们免费的、基于浏览器的 java 查看小程序快六倍! 全屏视频图像! 你说你想改变视频图像的大小,我们让它发生!您可以将"相机软件独立查看器"窗口作为您选择的大窗口或小窗口。 幻灯片消除! 现在,你可以过滤掉那些讨厌的幻灯片从你的频道菜单!是的, 宝贝!:-) 查看前 20 个网络摄像头! 您可以选择在任何给定时刻查看 TOP 20 网络摄像头,确保您拥有数小时无休无止的娱乐时间。 颜色编码频道菜单! 很简单 — — 随时前 20 个广播都是黄色的。所有直播都是蓝色的。和#1看的广播是热粉红色!非常贴;) 即时类别选项!只想查看 x 和 R 级广播?新的 CameraWare 独立查看器没有问题。女性和夫妇痒你的花哨?选择您希望的任意类别组合! 多个视频源! 想要一次观看多个或两个热实时网络摄像头?相机软件独立查看器可让您同时查看多达六张图像! 一百帧倒带! 看到每一个神话般的图像 - 我们加倍的帧数,你可以倒带任何广播,你一直在看! 存储您的个人设置! 您可以保存您的个人查看设置,每次运行 CameraWare 独立查看器程序时,这些设置都会在那里。 每天成千上万的人享受增强的 CameraWare 观看乐趣,独立查看器程序提供。免费试用!


  • 版本 4.04 发布于 2004-12-28



This License Agreement describes important rights and obligations governing your use of the CameraWare Video Sender and Standalone Viewer products, hereinafter referred to as "Software". USE OF THIS SOFTWARE CERTIFIES THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND ACCEPTED THESE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. License Touch Technologies, Inc.(TTI) and CameraWare, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor", are granting you a License: that is, the right to use the Software in accordance with the following terms: You must be age 18 years or older to use any CameraWare software. You may use the Software as long as you comply with all the terms of this Agreement. Failure to comply with any of these terms terminates the Agreement and your right to use the software. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you agree to destroy all copies of the Software. You do not use Software to be mean, abusive, or hateful to others. You do not use Software for any illegal purpose. The construction and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. This is the complete agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be modified in writing. Additional Terms and Conditions By installing the Software on your SYSTEM, you acknowledge that this Software License and the Limited Warranty is the entire and exclusive expression of Vendor's agreement with you and supersedes all prior communications with you, both oral and written. You understand that the discussions and postings associated with CameraWare may involve language, content, images, and themes of an adult or controversial nature. You understand that all postings reflect the views of the respective broadcasters or authors and are not the views of Vendor. Vendor is under no obligation to delete discussions or broadcasts that you may find objectionable or offensive. In other words, you're on your own. Technical Support Policy Technical support for TTI's CameraWare Software is provided to all licensed users via email and online Technical Support Chatroom. There is no charge for standard technical support on the Software. Standard technical support means you can contact us with usage questions and bug reports. We will try to answer your usage questions and will attempt to provide work-arounds or fixes to bugs you report. When you require support, you should email [email protected]. Acknowledgement of Vendor's Proprietary Rights By installing the Software on your SYSTEM, you acknowledge that the technology contained herein is proprietary to Vendor, and you further agree that any attempt to reverse engineer this technology is understood to cause extreme harm to Vendor. VENDOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ANY DAMAGES INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, PROFITS OR SAVINGS, CLAIMS AGAINST YOU BY ANY OTHER PARTY OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR MEDIA, EVEN IF TTI IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. All video and chat associated with CameraWare is generated from OUTSIDE of our systems and network. Vendor only SERVES DATA TO VIEWERS and is not responsible for any of the video or chat content in any website. Vendor is under NO OBLIGATION to remove content or video that you may find objectionable or offensive. Copyright 2000-2007 Touch Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Parts of the CameraWare technology are U.S. patented.