Capsa 网络分析器免费版是一种易于使用的以太网数据包嗅探器(网络分析仪或网络嗅探器),用于网络监控和故障排除目的。它可执行实时数据包捕获、24/7 网络监控、可靠的网络取证、高级协议分析、深度数据包解码和自动专家诊断。通过为您提供对网络运营的所有见解,Capsa 可以轻松隔离和解决网络问题、识别网络瓶颈和带宽使用以及检测网络漏洞。 Capsa 网络分析器免费版的主要功能包括: - 您自己的仪表板,重要参数在一个地方和图形 -捕获和保存通过本地网络传输的数据,并进行实时和过去事件分析。 -记录网络配置文件,设定分析目标并执行自定义分析。 -强大的可定制报警,定制数十个报警触发组合。 -识别和分析 300 多个网络协议,自定义协议,分析独特的协议流量。 -直观的TCP计时序列图。 - 所见即已(您看到的是您得到的)数据包筛选器。 -准确的MSN雅虎信使监测统计。 -电子邮件监视器和自动保存电子邮件内容。 -增强的可自定义报告。
- 版本 7.2.1 build2299 发布于 2010-08-04
Copyright Colasoft All rights reserved. This License Agreement is a legal contract between you (either as an individual or as an entity) and Colasoft ("COLASOFT") for the Colasoft Capsa and related add-ons ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). Please carefully read the following terms and conditions before using the Software Product. Installation or use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT indicates your acceptance of this License Agreement. Copyright The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and Documentation are copyrighted by COLASOFT and are protected by international copyright laws. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT contains copyrighted software of COLASOFT. All rights reserved. You agree not to remove any trademarks or copyright notices from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and Documentations. License Types 1. Single Seat Perpetual License A Single Seat Perpetual License grants you the right to install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on one single computer and provide access for an unlimited number of individuals. You may NOT install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a computer other than the first computer you installed the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on. For running this SOFTWARE PRODUCT on additional computers requires additional licenses. 2. 5 Seat License A 5 Seat License grants you the right to install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on five computers and provide access for an unlimited number of individuals with one single license key. You may NOT install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a computer other than the first five computers you installed the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on. For running this SOFTWARE PRODUCT on additional computers requires additional licenses. Not-For-Resale Copies If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is marked as a Not-For-Resale (NFR) copy you may not sell or transfer the usage license of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for any kind of payment. An NFR copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may only be used for purposes of demonstrating the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. With an NFR version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT you may not make or distribute additional copies. Demo Version If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is marked as a demonstration version for the final user (DEMO) you must buy a legal license and delete all copies of the demo version after expiring the time limit. The demo version may be distributed freely by any kind of MEDIA, Internet server, BBS, etc., as long as no changes are made and package content is not changed. Free Edition If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is marked as a free edition for the final user (FREE), it provided you without charge.You may not use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in your workplace or for commercial purpose. Limitation on Use You may not: permit other individuals to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT except under the terms listed above; modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, extract, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; copy the SOFTWARE PRODUCT other than as specified in Software Usage section of this License; sell, rent, lease, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; or alter or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. LICENSEE warrants that it will not use or redistribute the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for such purposes. Disclaimer THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL COLASOFT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. Governing Law This License shall be controlled by the laws of the United States of America.