Chrysanth Inventory Manager 3.0

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Chrysanth 库存管理器是一个经过现场验证的库存跟踪和管理解决方案,专为高票但低数量 SKU 设置的业务而设计。由于此类业务性质的库存跟踪和管理需求的性质非常不同,因此它保证采用完全不同的独特设计,要求所有物料通过库存抵销方法发货。 对于高票但数量低的 SKU 设置业务,对每个库存项目的收货和发货进行严密和激光锐利的跟踪对于财务底线至关重要。因此,Chrysanth 库存管理器具有一系列直观但经过现场验证的库存跟踪和管理功能,以支持此类目标。 除其他外,成功的库存跟踪和管理解决方案的一个基本壮举是能够向库存中库存提供多分分析。此类分析必须揭示各种产品和客户对销售业绩结果的真实洞察,从而更好地将业务资源分配给性能最佳的产品和客户。 明知,此类库存抵销方法对于具有完全相反的库存设置(即低价值但高数字 SKU)的业务来说并非必要的最佳解决方案。然而,这种业务性质已经有很多其他伟大的库存管理系统,以满足他们的需求,而 Chrysanth 库存经理面临的问题领域尚未看到如此广泛的随时可部署和现场验证的解决方案。


  • 版本 3.00 发布于 2001-05-01
    {*} 添加智能决策支持分析报告。添加多维库存移动分析。为业务文档添加内置的电子邮件支持。
  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2001-05-01



End-User License Agreement CHRYSANTH SOFTWARE SDN. BHD. CHRYSANTH INVENTORY MANAGER 2001 LICENSES: ONE (1) IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Chrysanth Software Sdn. Bhd. ("Chrysanth") for the Chrysanth Software Product specified in this EULA. The term ("Software Product") which includes computer software identified above may include any associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. Chrysanth grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software Product, subject to the conditions stated below. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software Product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, please do not install or use the Software Product, and promptly return the entire Software Product to the place of purchase for a full refund. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The Software Product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Software Product is licensed, and NOT sold to you. Chrysanth continues to own the copy of the Software Product and the physical media contained in this package and any other copy that you are authorized to make pursuant to this EULA. You are granted the right to use the Software Product according to the conditions specified below: 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. * On Stand-alone Personal Computer. You are allowed to install and use only one (1) copy of the Software Product, or any prior version, either in whole or portion, for the same operating system, on only one (1) stand-alone personal computer. If you are an entity, Chrysanth grants you the right to designate one (1) individual within your organization, namely the primary user, to have the right to use the Software Product. The primary user of the computer on which the Software Product is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer. * On Storage/Network Device. A Software Product stored or installed on a storage device, such as a network server, can only be used to install or run the Software Product on your other computers over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate computer on which the Software Product is installed or run from the storage device. A license for the Software Product may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers. * Multiple-user License. You own a Multiple-user License if the "LICENSES:" particular of this EULA indicates a value bigger than "ONE (1)". Under such license, you are allowed to make the specified number of additional copies of the Software Product on a number of computers not more than the specified number of user license(s), and you are allowed to use each copy in the manner specified above. You are also allowed to make a corresponding number of secondary copies for portable computer use as specified above. 2. OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. * Educational Edition Software. If the Software Product is identified as "Educational Edition", then you must qualify yourself to be a "Qualified Educational User" before using the Software Product. If you are not a Qualified Educational User, you have no rights under this EULA. To determine if you are a Qualified Educational User, please contact Chrysanth or any Chrysanth subsidiary serving your country. * Public Edition Software. If the Software Product is identified as "Public Edition", then you must qualify yourself to be a "Qualified Public User" before using the Software Product. If you are not a Qualified Public User, you have no rights under this EULA. To determine if you are a Qualified Public User, please refer to the Readme.txt file accompanied with each Public Edition or contact Chrysanth or any Chrysanth subsidiary serving your country. * Not for Resale Software. If the Software Product is labeled "Not for Resale" or "Demo Edition", then, notwithstanding other sections of this EULA, strictly prohibits you from reselling the Software Product, or transferring the Software Product for value. * Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You are not allowed to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble the Software Product, or attempt to discover the source code of the Software Product, except and only to the extent that such activity is explicitly admissible by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. * Separation of Components. The Software Product is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer. * Rental. You are not allowed to rent, lease, or lend the Software Product. * Consultation Services. You may call Chrysanth or the nearest Chrysanth subsidiary serving your country, or the supplier of your Software Product for consultation related to the Software Product ("Consultation Services"). Use of Consultation Services is governed by the Chrysanth policies. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the consultations shall be considered part of the Software Product and subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. With respect to information you provide to Chrysanth as part of the Consultation Services, Chrysanth may use such information for its business purposes, including for product support and development, without utilizing such information in a form that personally identifies you. * Transfer of License. You are allowed to permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA. To complete the transfer, you must transfer the entire Software Product (including all component parts, the media and all printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA, and, if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If the Software Product is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the Software Product. You should retain no copy of the Software Product after the transfer, whether in whole or portion. * Termination of License. Without prejudice to any other rights, Chrysanth may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software Product and all of its component parts. 3. UPGRADES. If the Software Product is labeled as an upgrade, you must be properly licensed to use a product identified by Chrysanth as being eligible for the upgrade in order to use the Software Product. A Software Product labeled as an upgrade replaces and/or supplements the product that formed the basis for your eligibility for the upgrade. You may use the resulting upgraded product only in accordance with the terms of this EULA. If the Software Product is an upgrade of a component of a package of software programs that you licensed as a single product, the Software Product may be used and transferred only as part of that single product package and may not be separated for use on more than one computer. You have to present your license(s) of the original version of Software Product before an upgrading is permitted and a License for Upgraded Version is issued. 4. COPYRIGHT. All titles and copyrights in and to the Software Product (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and "applets" incorporated into the Software Product), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software Product are owned by Chrysanth or its suppliers. You must treat the Software Product like any other copyrighted material except that you are allowed to install the Software Product on a single computer provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You are not allowed to copy the printed materials accompanying the Software Product. 5. DUAL-MEDIA SOFTWARE. You may receive the Software Product in more than one medium. Regardless of the type or size of medium you receive, you are allowed to use only one (1) medium that is appropriate for your single computer. You are not allowed to use or install the other medium on another computer. You are not allowed to loan, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the other medium to another user, except as part of the permanent transfer (as provided above) of the Software Product. FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTIES AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO YOUR PARTICULAR JURISDICITON, PLEASE REFER TO YOUR WARRANTY BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT.