Church Bells Carillon Gift Basket 2.3.11

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 8.58 MB
‎用户评分: 2.5/5 - ‎6 ‎评分

教堂钟提示桌面系统声音套件和灵感代码教会贝尔卡里隆钟楼程序。 钟楼桌面的声音不会过期, 和 Churchbells 程序工作免费每年 12 月, 整个月, 所以圣诞快乐! 这些免费的和谐钟系统的声音为您的桌面来包装与相同的丰富的特色教堂贝尔计划,许多教会使用,因为他们的钟楼提示音部,以外联到他们的社区在世界各地。 无论你正在考虑教会贝尔自己的外展或只是想提高你的桌面与一些真正的叮当铃,这个礼品篮是灵感代码的方式说谢谢大家,我们祝你圣诞快乐!


  • 版本 2.3.11 发布于 2004-12-07



LEGAL AGREEMENT: If you use this program, music and/or files you agree to the terms below. Whether or not you read them, the copyright holder will nonetheless enforce them as required. This package ("the package") consists of this program called ChurchBells ("the program"), all music ("the music") ever provided with it and all other files ("the files") ever provided with it by Robison Bryan, either directly or indirectly. With the exception of any Microsoft code included herein by Microsoft Visual Basic and its "Package Deployment Wizard", the package, the program, the music and the files all belong to Robison Bryan, with all rights reserved, except as specifically stated herein. Any and all usage thereof must be in accordance with the requirements stated herein. If you do not agree to these terms then you do not have permission to use the package, the program, the sounds or the files. If you have paid for an organization license then you may use the program to play the sounds through outdoor or mall speakers and/or intercom/PA, but not webcast. If anyone asks, you agree to tell them where you got the package. If you paid for a home license then you may use the program to play the sounds within your home or office, but not over any intercom, PA, outdoor speaker, mall speaker nor webcast. I am not granting the rights to play back the sounds by any other means, nor to copy any portion of the package to any place outside of the program's directory, nor to modify, convert nor adapt any portion in any way. This software is provided on an AS IS basis. InspiredCode/Robison Bryan is not to be held responsible for ANY of its behavior, lack thereof or consequences thereof. Airplay of the music is permitted only within two hours of an advertisement on the same station clearly stating where and how to obtain the package for how much. You may install the package. You may copy and share the entire compressed package in its original condition as received from (or as normally received from) Robison Bryan via his site "ChurchBells", but other than this, you may not copy any portion of the package for any reason. Each license you pay for entitles you to run the program on one machine, at the license level you payed for.You also agree not to modify, trick, reverse engineer, decompile, trace or otherwise hack the package or its contents, nor to share any information regarding such, except to privately warn Robison Bryan of any such activities you may have discovered taking place. END OF LEGAL AGREEMENT