ClinTools 是一个包含以下元素的产品套件: *效果大小生成器 - 专业版。具有以下功能: o 计算:科恩的 d;对冲样本大小的调整(到科恩的 d);对冲ĝ效果大小估计;95% 置信区间;集合和其他标准偏差估计;独立样本 t 检验和 z 统计;a 先验功率分析;效果大小转换(许多 - w 到 C,d 到 ĝ,ĝ 到 r,F 到 d,f2 到 R2,r 到 d 等),带和没有样本大小校正;计算平均值周围的置信区间(任何置信区间!重复测量分析时计算效果大小交互;估计多个回归和分层回归的 f2 效果大小估计值;进行 2x2 、2x3 和 3x3 奇方分析;效果大小之间的测试差异;帮助文件解释使用的所有效果大小统计信息。 o 进行元分析,允许:未加权和加权均效应大小估计;罗森塔尔的故障安全 N 统计;奥温的标准 d 和 g;基于度量值类型的计算;基于研究类型的计算;异质性测试(Q和一平方统计);完整的文本文件格式摘要信息;将文件转换为 MS 访问和 Excel 格式;帮助文件解释使用的所有统计信息。 *奇数比率生成器 - 专业版能够计算以下函数: o 相对风险;相对风险增加;活动赔率;赔率比率;需要处理的编号;造成伤害所需的数量;95% 置信区间;奇方分析(2*2和2*3);皮 / 克莱默的皮;帮助文件解释程序背后的统计数据。 o 改进与无变化与恶化;改进与无改进;治疗和控制组。 *可靠和临床变化发生器 - 专业版具有计算能力: o 可靠变化指数,68.26%、95%或99%的置信度;是否有68.26%、95%或99%的信心发生变化。
- 版本 4.1 发布于 2007-08-06
现在 Vista 兼容。可靠的更改生成器添加和错误修复和增强的功能,以影响大小生成器
- 软件分类: 教育 > 科学
- 发布者: Psytek Ltd
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $129.95
- 版本: 4.1
- 适用平台: windows
License Agreement By downloading and/or installing the archive, you confirm your agreement to this license. I. Right of Use You are free redistribute the archive (see website: until the author publicly revokes this right (e.g., on a website). You are also free to use this software for 30 days without buying a copy. After this time period, you are free to use the 'lite version' without buying a copy. The lite version only allows partial functionality. Full use of all features requires the purchase of a license. This programme must not be changed in any way (which includes applying methods to avoid paying for the full version after the 30 day trial period) and should be distributed only in it's complete form (including help files). However, if you do use the software please reference it appropriately in your publications: Devilly, G.J. (2007). ClinTools Software for Windows: Version 4.1 (computer programme). Melbourne, Australia. II. Limitations II. a. Good Faith This programme has been coded in good faith. If anyone has doubts in the honesty of the code, we will give insight to a trusted organization like a university under certain limitations (for example only one copy, for a limited time, and that has to be removed after the evaluation time has ended). II. b. Warranty We have tried our very best to make the code as stable as possible, and we give you the warranty that no code was placed within the programme to cause intentional harm to your system. There is no spyware or similar malware in or attached to this programme. II.c. Liability This programme was written in Visual Basic 6. No one has ever reported any damage to their system by using this programme. However, under no circumstances are we to be held liable for any damage, however caused, including, but not limited to, damage you might do to your system, using this programme. II.d. Use of application in whole Use is limited to the application in whole. Usage of parts only is not permitted. III. Distribution Here are some basic rules about distributing this programme. III.a. Private distribution You may not give away copies of 'registered' software and you agree to not modify this license or other files of the archive. III.b. Mirroring If you want to mirror our programmes, feel free to do so as long as you don't modify the original archive and you preserve original authorship. If you want to be kept up to date about major updates, you can subscribe to the mailing list. III.c. Publishing You may publish the demo version of this programme in a book or magazine (or other media) by simply sending a written request for permission, including a description of your specific needs. We request a copy of the media in which the programme is published as compensation. This programme remains Copyright to Grant J. Devilly.