CLOX 是一个易于使用的应用程序,为您提供时钟显示时间在用户选择的时区。新版本 8 标志着与以前版本的外观彻底背离。您可以立即根据自己的口味自定义和设计显示,从不少于 15 种内置显示样式中进行选择,设置时钟大小和类型以及其他元素的语言。本地时间和 UTC (GMT) 可以选择随日期一起显示在世界日光地图上,最多 10 个用户选择的时区显示在模拟和数字时钟上。所有设置都自动记住,无需保存任何更改。集成的新闻源、时区和夏令时参考数据库提供了一种方便的方法,可帮助确保时区时钟不断显示正确的时间。 CLOX 8 非常简单、愉快且使用起来相当直观。提供了详细的用户指南,但您可能不会了解大多数问题,而无需多一目了然。如果您有问题,电子邮件和网络支持是免费的。 如果您有家人、朋友或跨不同时区开展业务,则 CLOX 是一种出色的、可靠的、好看的计时工具,适用于桌面和移动设备。如果你曾经缺乏时间不要担心, 与 Clox, 你将字面上有所有的时间在世界上!
- 版本 8.02 发布于 2016-05-08
CLOX 8 是一个全新的 CLOX 版本,它采用全新的外观和不同的功能集从零开始构建。它现在可用于移动操作系统和桌面。
- 软件分类: 桌面 > 时钟和闹钟
- 发布者: MiRaGe Audio Visual Media
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $9.99
- 版本: 8.02
- 适用平台: windows
By using CLOX 8 software, or by installing or otherwise causing the software or any of its components to be available on any device you agree to be bound by the following conditions... THE SOFTWARE AND ANY ASSOCIATED MEDIA AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR HIS AGENTS WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY NATURE ARISING EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AS A RESULT OF ITS USE OR MISUSE. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS GIVEN RELATING TO THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ASSOCIATED MEDIA OR INFORMATION FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The trial version will expire not more than a few hours after first use and is not intended to be used beyond that time unless by a registered user. The software is not free. if you wish to continue using the software beyond the trial period you must register it. If you do not have a valid, purchased, registration for CLOX, in your name, you are required to obtain one either via the MiRaGe Audio Visual Media web site or from an authorized reseller, or immediately remove and desist from using the software. Each single CLOX 8 registration permits the licensee deploy the software for use on a maximum of ONE (1) screen at any time. An additional registration must be purchased for each additional screen. The software is licensed, not sold. As a licensee you acquire no right or title to the software but are permitted to use the product in the normal manner, as indicated by the CLOX 8 User Guide. Neither the software, nor any entitlement to use the software is transferable. It is not permitted to share the software nor disclose any registration code to a third party without explicit written consent from the publisher. You will not attempt to plagiarize, disassemble, recompile or modify the software in any way. No responsibility can be accepted for any user's inability to use the software, or any part of it, for any period of time, due to hardware, software or network failure, or any other reason. In any event, the liability of the author or his agent will not exceed either (at their discretion) a replacement of the software or refund of the original purchase price. In the event of a dispute all parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of law in England.