Crystal Delivery

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晶体交付是晶体报告自动导出。 水晶交付可以导出到 PDF、XLS、RPT、DOC、RTF、HTM、CSV、XML、TXT、打印或电子邮件。 水晶交付是 2005 年与水晶报告 .net VB.Net和 Windows XP 开发的。 水晶交付中没有间谍软件、唠叨或保证。晶体交付可以自由分布,只要它保持从原始分布不变。 有关限制,请参阅许可证。 请通过捐赠水晶交付的发展来表示您的支持。所有捐款,大大小小,非常感谢。


  • 版本 发布于 2008-01-21



By installing and/or using Crystal Delivery, hereinafter known as "THE SOFTWARE, " you must agree to the following: Kevin Groff, hereinafter known as "THE AUTHOR," makes no warranty or representation that the operation of THE SOFTWARE in this compilation will be error-free, and THE AUTHOR is under no obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. THE SOFTWARE and any documentation are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will THE AUTHOR or any other contributor be liable for direct, incidental or consequential damages, even if THE AUTHOR has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You also agree to abide by the Crystal Reports EULA. It is your responsibility to determine if you need a Crystal Reports Broadcast License (CRBL). The freeware program may be freely distributed, provided that it remains unaltered from the original distribution. This program may not be directly sold for a profit or utilized with a front-end or wrapper which is sold for a profit.