CyQuest 2008

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CyQuest 允许用户创建、存储和跟踪笔记,以及创建和存储与特定客户端相关的附件。附件信息存储在数据库中,可以随时查看或检索。CyQuest 为用户提供附件信息的版本控制。更新客户端文档时,附件跟踪将更新以反映更改,同时维护历史记录。 CyQuest 的一个主要功能是允许用户生成其他选项卡,从而捕获所有客户端或单个客户端的自定义信息。 CyQuest 应用程序的另一个功能是它能够生成和存储会议和电话笔记。除了跟踪和存储特定客户端的文档外,CyQuest 还能够管理资源。资源是可分配给单个客户端或一组客户端的文档。它与附件的不同,因为它只加载到数据库中一次,所有后续对文档的引用都存储为链接。使用资源管理器在系统中上载和管理资源。资源管理器能够创建目录,然后用于组织资源。 CyQuest 还可以管理资源。资源是可分配给单个客户端或一组客户端的文档。它与附件的不同,因为它只加载到数据库中一次,所有后续对文档的引用都存储为链接。使用资源管理器在系统中上载和管理资源。


  • 版本 发布于 2009-01-09



You the customer, and Sapientech incur certain benefits, rights, and obligations to each other when you open this package and use the software/data it contains. BE SURE YOU READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY, SINCE BY USING THE SOFTWARE/DATA YOU INDICATE YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND ACCEPTED THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Your rights: 1. You enjoy a non-exclusive license to use the enclosed software/data on a single microcomputer that is not part of a network or multi-machine system in consideration for payment of the required license fee, (which may be included in the purchase price of an accompanying print component), or receipt of this software/data, and your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement. 2. You own the media on which the software/data is recorded, but you acknowledge that you do not own the software/data recorded on them. You also acknowledge that the software/data is furnished "as is," and contains copyrighted and/or proprietary and confidential information of Sapientech or its licensors. 3. If you do not accept the terms of this license agreement you may return the media within 10 days. However, you may not use the software during this period. There are limitations on your rights: 1. You may not copy or print the software/data for any reason whatsoever, except to install it on a hard drive on a single microcomputer and to make one archival copy, unless copying or printing is expressly permitted in writing or statements recorded on the diskette(s). 2. You may not revise, translate, convert, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the software/data except that you may add to or rearrange any data recorded on the media as part of the normal use of the software/data. 3. You may not sell, license, lease, rent, loan, or otherwise distribute or network the software/data except that you may give the software/data to others. Should you fail to abide by the Copyright Law of the United States as it applies to this software/data your license to use it will become invalid. You agree to erase or otherwise destroy the software/data immediately after receiving note of Sapientech' termination of this agreement for violation of its provisions. This license is the entire agreement between you and Sapientech interpreted and enforced under Arkansas Law. Limited Warranty Sapientech warrants to the original licensee/ purchaser of this copy of microcomputer software/ data and the media on which it is recorded that the media will be free from defects in material and workmanship for ten (10) days from the date of original purchase. All implied warranties are limited in duration to this ten (10) day period. THEREAFTER, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXCLUDED. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. If you believe the media is defective, please return it during the ninety day period to the address shown below. A defective diskette will be replaced without charge provided that it has not been subjected to misuse or damage. This warranty does not extend to the software or information recorded on the media. The software and information are provided "AS IS." Any statements made about the utility of the software or information are not to be considered as express or implied warranties. Sapientech will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind incurred by you, the consumer, or any other user. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on the duration of implied warranties, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Address all correspondence to: SapientechNorth Little Rock, AR 72118