DBA Easy Control for Oracle 5.5

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适用于 Oracle 的 DBA 轻松控制是适用于 Oracle DBA 的多功能数据库管理套件。该解决方案聚合 Oracle DBA 每天使用的所有信息,以便更高效地进行分析和故障排除。对于 Oracle 的 DBA Easy Control 最大的优点是,所有请求的信息都存储在一个单独的存储库中,该存储库绑定到特定对象,并提供对数据库中任何元素的必要信息的即时 (!) 访问。DBA Easy Control 为 Oracle 提供便利的典型任务列表包括但不限于:创建和修改用户、安排各种 SQL 任务、分配访问权限、创建和扩展表空间、获取完整的数据库信息(用户、表空间)、有关数据库事件的信息、技术文档、脚本、权限授予和吊销历史记录、统计数据和其他基本信息。 强大的日志记录引擎可跟踪系统中发生的每个事件,这对于控制对宝贵数据的访问的公司安全部门特别有用。该解决方案还可以从外部监视系统导入通知,并将其分发给管理员以进行进一步处理。SQL 任务子系统允许您在工作负载最少(例如夜间)时自动执行资源密集型作业。并行执行任务可减少空闲时间及其持续时间。 解决方案的客户端-服务器体系结构意味着数据收集应用程序使用 Oracle 数据库来存储统计数据。因此,如果安装在单独的 Oracle 实例上,则即使数据库本身当前不可用,也允许您查看特定于数据库的信息。 用于 Oracle 的 DBA 轻松控制可控制数据库,使您的工作更轻松。确保将 DBA 轻松控制添加到软件库!


  • 版本 3.3 发布于 2008-08-27
    增强的过程编辑器,在 SQL 编辑器中解释计划以及更有用的功能



DBA Easy Control for Oracle 5.0 Copyright (c) 2008 DBA Inventions Ltd. All Rights Reserved PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. BY INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREE TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THIS SOFTWARE AND PROMPLY DESTROY ALL APPLICABLE FILES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LICENSE AGREEMENT The DBA Easy Control Software is protected by national laws and international copyright agreements. DBA Inventions LLC owns exclusive rights to this Software. The Software and its components can be used free of charge during a limited time only (60 days). Once the trial period expires, the Software restricts its functional capabilities while preserving the data created by the moment of expiry. To remove the functional restrictions, the user must register the Software and pay the license fees due. Information on the licensing policy, registration and payment methods are available on the official website of the Software. Commercial use of the Software must be authorized by the Licensor in writing and implies that the Licensor receives commission on sales of the Software. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON THE "AS IS" BASIS. THE SOFTWARE MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. THE LICENSOR BEARS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS IN THIS SOFTWARE. THE LICENSOR DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE FEATURES OF THIS SOFTWARE WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LICENSEE OR ITS OPERATION WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED DUE TO AN ERROR. UNDER NO CONDITIONS SHALL THE LICENSOR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES, PHYSICAL OR COMMERCIAL, CAUSED BY THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, DAMAGE TO REPUTATION OR ANY OTHER DAMAGE, DIRECT OR IMPLIED, RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE. ANY OTHER MATERIAL CLAIMS OF THE USERS OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL NOT BE EFFECTIVE AS WELL. COPYRIGHTS The Licensor remains the exclusive owner of all copyrights. The executable modules of the Software may not be disassembled and modified. The Software can be distributed only along with the name of the Licensor, the Licensor's contact information and a link to the Licensor's website. APPLICABLE LAWS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with national laws and their new versions that void all previous agreements related to the Software. Any dispute shall be resolved between parties with their full consent or, should a dispute not be resolved, the matter shall be referred to arbitration by a general court. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Homepage: http://www.dbaeasy.com E-mail: [email protected]