Desksense Crypt

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加密是使用算法转换信息的过程,使除那些拥有特殊知识(通常称为密钥)的人以外的任何人都无法读取。该过程的结果是加密信息。加密还用于保护传输中的数据,例如通过互联网传输的数据,例如互联网、电子商务。加密传输中的数据也有助于保护数据,因为通常很难对网络的所有访问进行物理保护。加密本身可以保护邮件的机密性。 "加密"的反向过程称为解密。解密有助于解码加密文件,使其可读给接收方(即,使文件未加密)。 这些文件是密码保护,在此,你实际上可以提供密码,你的机密文件,它只能在输入正确的密码后打开。在此文件中,该文件不会隐藏,但所有人都可见。 Desksense 拥有一些最新功能,因此请访问我们的网站并下载最适合您需求的应用程序。


  • 版本 发布于 2009-11-19



All sales herein are final after 7 days from purchase. There will be no refunds, credits, or exchanges after 7 days from the purchase date. There are no warranties, express or implied concerning this Product. The Product is being purchased "AS IS" and with all faults. The warranty of any fitness of this Product for your particular purpose is disclaimed. In addition to the limitations of liability referred to in section 4 above; further, you agree that the owner of the Product''s liability to you for any claim of damages, under any theory, is limited to the fees paid by you for license of the Product. You agree that the foregoing limitation on damages liability is a term material to the price you are paying that is lower then would otherwise be offered to you without said term. If you dispute a charge to your credit card issuer or take any action that results in a payment being reversed that, in our sole discretion is a valid charge under the provisions of the TOS, you agree to pay us an "Administrative Fee" of $100.