Digital Ear Real-Time 4.01

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> 什么是数字耳实时? 数字耳朵实时可以分析录制的或现场独奏表演(例如,唱歌的人 声音,或乐器),并将其转换为标准的 MIDI 文件。那 文件可以直接发送到任何合成器,也可以导入到您的 最喜欢的音序器(如古巴VST,蛋糕步道等)与其他混合 轨道,或进一步处理。数字耳读取标准 PCM 波 (.wav) 文件。 > 超越 " Pitch 到 MIDI " 转换 与传统的"投球到M比"转换器不同,数字耳将 发送与原始事件紧密匹配的高分辨率音高事件 声音。任何颤音,颤音,音高弯曲,或波塔门托的影响,你的 录制的声音将忠实地转换和复制成任何声音 你的合成器。 > 间距只是开始... 数字耳的独特功能是,它可以 捕获并发送到您的 Midi 合成器, 详细的信封和音色 动态事件。这些功能可以提升合成器的语音真实感 增强你的音乐表达。将数字耳视为您的终极 米迪控制器! * 新: 现在实时!*


  • 版本 4.01 发布于 2002-01-06



License Agreement BEFORE YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. Epinoisis Software (hereafter referred to as Epinoisis) permits you use the Digital Ear (Demo Version) software conditioned on your acceptance of the following terms. Use of this software will be taken to mean acceptance of the following terms, so please read the following terms carefully before you use the software. 1. Copyright and permission for use Epinoisis grants you as an individual the right to use the programs and data files (hereafter referred to as the Program) on only one computer at any single time. The ownership of the disk on which the Program is recorded belongs to you, but the ownership and copyright of the Program itself belongs to Epinoisis. 2. Prohibitions and restrictions You may not reverse-compile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or use any other method to convert the Program into a human-readable form, nor may you allow another person to do so. The Program may not be duplicated, corrected, modified, lent, leased, sold, distributed, licensed or disposed in any other way in part or in whole. The creation of derivative works based on the content of the Program is also prohibited. The Program may not be transmitted over a network to another computer without written authorization from Epinoisis. Your rights regarding the Program may not be transferred to a third party. 3. Limitations of responsibility Epinoisis takes no responsibility for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages (including but not limited to data loss or damage to data, loss of profit, interruption of business activity, or loss of business data) which may result from the use of the Program or the inability to use the Program, even in cases when such damages may result or if Epinoisis has received prior notification that liability claims may be made by a third party. Copyright 1999-2002 by Epinoisis Software. All rights reserved.