Digitarix 是简单和令人上瘾的益智游戏,结合了RPG和逻辑元素。游戏提供了伟大的机会,杀死一些时间在办公室或只是放松。 尽管这是一个益智游戏,它不需要任何强烈的精神紧张,因为没有时间限制,没有必要认为超过2-3前进。然而,对于那些喜欢解决难题的人,也有一种特殊的模式。 游戏的主要目的是通过弹出数字来清除数字板。如果数字位于同一行(水平或垂直)上,则可以弹出一对数字,它们之间没有数字,并且它们相等或给出 10 和。 当没有左弹出对时,可以将板重写到列数少且没有空格的表中。 您可以在游戏的帮助菜单中找到有关游戏规则和一些提示和提示的信息。
- 版本 1.1 发布于 2010-08-21
86COM END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REDISTRIBUTION OR USE NOT PERMITTED EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BELOW. The following License Terms govern your use of the accompanying Software by 86com ("the Developer"). The distributor of the Software is referred as "the Distributor". NOTE: This License Agreement for the Software is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity), the Distributor, and the developer of the Software. By using the Software, you agree to the terms of this License Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this License Agreement, do not use the Software. THE SHAREWARE/FREE TRIAL VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE MAY CONTAIN, FEATURE OR TIME LIMITATIONS. TO REMOVE SUCH LIMITATIONS, YOU MAY PURCHASE THE FULL VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING. THIS AGREEMENT LICENSES SOFTWARE TO YOU FROM LICENSOR/DISTRIBUTOR AND CONTAINS WARRANTY AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMERS. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. The Developer and the Distributor grant you a non-exclusive right to use the Software privately and personally. All rights not specifially granted are retained. Your rights: - install and use the Software on a single computer on a non-commercial basis - install the Software on a second computer in the same household as long as they are not used simultaneously - distribute the installer for the free/trial version without modification at no charge on a non-commercial basis - make one back-up copy of the Software provided that the copy contains all of the Software''s original contents. You agree to use the Software in a manner that complies with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which you use the Software. 2. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may not (Including, but not restricted to. All rights not specifially granted, are retained.): - Make or distribute copies of the software, or electronically transferring the software from one computer to another or over a network (other than as distributing the installer for the free/trial version without modification at no charge on a non-commercial basis) - modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble the Software - copy the Software or Documentation (except for back-up purposes) - rent, lease, transfer, or otherwise transfer rights to the Software or Documentation - remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software or Documentation. - alter or circumvent any digital rights management. - use any of the granted rights for commercial purposes 3. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE DEVELOPER FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES. THIS INCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGIMENT. 4. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES: ALL RISKS OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH THE USER. 5. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DEVELOPER, THE DISTRIBUTOR OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT UNDER LAW. THIS INCLUDES WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS. FURTHERMORE, THE LIABILITY IS LIMITED, TO THE EXTENT ENFORCEABLE, TO THE FEES ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE. THIS DISCLAIMER APPLIES TO THE DEVELOPER, THE DISTRIBUTORS AND THEIR AFFILIATES. 86com Svechkaryov Alexander http://digitarix.ru/eng