Discreetmail 3.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.29 MB
‎用户评分: 4.8/5 - ‎10 ‎评分

Discreetmail 可以从软盘或 CD 运行,以在任何计算机上使用或安装在您自己的计算机上。它启动非常快,并允许用户发送电子邮件使用任何电子邮件地址你喜欢作为发件人。当收件人收到电子邮件时,他们会看到它是从您发送之前指定的电子邮件地址发送的。您还可以在发送电子邮件之前加密电子邮件,无需您以前选择的特殊代码,没有人能够解密电子邮件。您还可以加密文件和其他图像,以保持他们100%的安全,远离窥探的眼睛!非常适合发送匿名电子邮件或冒充电子邮件地址,并保持您的文件完全保密!它是密码保护,所以没有人能够使用的软件没有正确的密码。附件可以加密并添加到电子邮件中,并保存它们供以后检索。版本 3.0 还将自动检测您的邮件服务器地址或收件人邮件服务器地址,以便设置和发送电子邮件再简单得多。


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2003-12-16



OWNERSHIP. The Software is proprietary to Spymode® Software and protected by English copyright and other laws, as well as international treaty provisions and you must treat the Software as any other copyrighted and legally protected material. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble the Software or create derivative works using or based on the Software, nor may you distribute, loan, rent, or lease, timeshare or use the Software to provide services for third parties, sublicense or transmit all or any portion of the Software, nor may you allow others to do so.Spymode® Software reserves all rights not expressly granted herein. Spymode® Software owns all right title and interest in and to the Software and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to transfer, convey, impair or otherwise adversely affect Spymode® Softwares ownership or proprietary rights therein or any other Spymode® Software information or materials, tangible or intangible, in any form and in any medium. OWNERSHIP SIMPLIFIED. Any person for any reasons try to copy this software is liable to prosecution if caught. This software only can be used on one machine at home or on a network system. You may not redistribute or decompile this software in any electronic format. All rights reserved.