一种实用程序,通过设置唯一的密码,为操作系统负载和硬盘内容提供全面的专业保护,防止未经授权的访问。 限制对特定磁盘、分区和可移动驱动器(USB 驱动器、闪存驱动器、存储卡等)的访问会将其从系统设备列表中隐藏。不仅使用密码访问磁盘的内容,而且还需要识别磁盘的内容。 该实用程序还允许您设置唯一的密码,以保护任何操作系统负载免受任何磁盘的影响。您的密码已安全加密并存储在磁盘的读取保护段中。 由于磁盘密码保护 5.5.1 系统在硬件级别低时提供数据访问限制,因此保护机制甚至在操作系统和任何第三方软件启动之前就开始使用磁盘。这种保护逻辑和访问磁盘分区的创新技术提供了更强的保护,有助于避免未经授权的软件在实用程序的保护算法中的潜在干扰。 磁盘密码保护 5.5.1 经过完美优化,可与 Windows 8 或更高版本一起使用,并可用于控制 BIOS 和 UEFI 中的负载保护。除了 MBR 磁盘支持外,该实用程序还具有保护 GPT 设备上磁盘和分区负载的功能。还包括对基本磁盘和动态磁盘的支持。 另一个重要优点是卸载实用程序不会自动删除保护。即使在删除操作系统后,所有受保护的分区和磁盘仍将受到保护,直到您禁用密码保护,而且除了使用磁盘密码保护 5.5.1 实用程序工具和相应的密码,这是无法以任何其他方式执行的。
- 版本 5.5.1 发布于 2018-02-14
在启动系统之前,在启动系统之前要求您输入密码时,更改显示的欢迎消息的功能已添加到启动保护模块中。增加了安装引导保护和激活部分保护时密码可靠性的自动分析。更新或重新安装程序时,现在可以选择安装程序的文件夹的不同路径。在启用/禁用启动保护时,用于写入磁盘扇区的错误处理得到了改进。 - 版本 5.4.3 发布于 2016-02-17
修复了阻止程序在具有禁用主题的系统上启动的 Bug。 - 版本 发布于 2008-08-06
Windows 2003 服务器支持得到了改进。diskpp_kernel.dll依赖于 MSVCRT DLL。此依赖项已被删除。
- 软件分类: 安全和隐私 > 访问控制
- 发布者: EXLADE, Inc.
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $49.00
- 版本: 5.5.1
- 适用平台: windows
THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR USE AND DISTRIBUTION The present license agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (the natural or legal person) and EXLADE, Inc. with regard to the software Disk Password Protection (hereinafter "Program"), including the software which has been recorded on an information carrier and any "embedded" or electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwise using the program, you take up the terms of the present agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the agreement, you may not use the program. The LICENSE FOR the PROGRAM is protected by laws and international agreements on copyrights, as well as other laws and contracts regulating copyright relations. UPDATING the SOFTWARE. To receive an update you must have the license for the program for which this update is supplied by the author. The update replaces or supplements the updated program. The program obtained as a result of such update is to be used only in compliance with the present agreement. Minor updates (of a 4.х type) are free for registered users. To acquire major updates (of a x.x type), you must completely pay for the license. 1. All copyrights on Disk Password Protection exclusively belong to the author of the program, Vasil Mikulich, an EXLADE, Inc developer. 2. You can use this program during the trial period of 30 days. If you intend to continue to use this program, you HAVE TO register your copy of the program. 3. Upon registration, the user can utilize Disk Password Protection for any legal purposes on the number of computers and under the terms stipulated in the purchased license. 4. DISTRIBUTION. You may use this program as part of your commercial services as long as you own the commercial license of the Disk Password Protection and the product that you produce and/or distribute is NOT a software product with functionality substantially similar or equivalent to Disk Password Protection. The only file that may be distributed with your application is diskpp_kernel.dll 5. The unregistered trial version of Disk Password Protection can be distributed free only as it was delivered, i.e. without any changes. 6. DISK PASSWORD PROTECTION IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR, NOR HIS AUTHORIZED AGENTS ARE PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR DATA LOSSES, DAMAGE AND LOSS OF PROFIT OR ANY OTHER KINDS OF LOSSES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM. 7. It is forbidden to use, copy, emulate, clone, lease, rent, sell, change, decompile, disassemble or transfer the licensed program or any of its parts. Any similar unauthorized application will results in an immediate and automatic cancellation of this license and may cause criminal and/or civil prosecution. 8. All rights which have not been otherwise expressed in the present agreement belong to Vasil Mikulich. 9. Installation and use of Disk Password Protection signifies acceptance of the terms of this license agreement. 10. If you do not agree with the terms of this license agreement, you may not use Disk Password Protection and you must remove the files of the program from your storage devices. Thank you for using Disk Password Protection, EXLADE, Inc.