SQLite 标准版 dotConnect 是一个免费数据库连接解决方案,ADO.NET架构和开发框架,具有大量创新技术。它提供了开发数据库相关应用程序和网站的基本功能。它引入了设计应用程序的新方法,提高了数据库应用程序开发效率。 主要特点: * 直接访问 SQLite 数据库 * 100% 托管代码 * 高性能 * 易于部署 * 支持最新版本的 SQLite 数据库 * 支持所有 SQLite 数据类型 * 在已连接和断开连接的型号中运行 * 额外的数据绑定功能 * 跨形式组件合作 * 免费 SQLite 的 dotConnect 支持 SQLite 引擎版本 3 及更高版本。提供程序使用 .NET 框架 2.0、3.0、3.5 和 4.0。 SQLite 标准版的 dotConnect 可与以下集成开发环境一起使用: *视觉工作室 2010 *视觉工作室2008 *视觉工作室2005 *德尔福棱镜 *RAD工作室2007
- 版本 3.10 发布于 2011-01-27
License Agreement IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. Do not use or load this software and any associated materials (collectively, the "Software") until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions. By loading or using the Software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the Software. The Software unregistered version may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of the Software without written permission from the copyright holder. The Software is distributed "AS IS". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. You may not sublicense or permit simultaneous use of the Software by more than one user. Any unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. The Software may contain the software or other property of third party suppliers, some of which may be identified in, and licensed in accordance with, any enclosed "license.txt" file or other text or file.