Download Raider Light 1.1.3

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 5.54 MB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

下载突袭者灯是光版,允许您从视频服务YouTube以FLV(MP4)格式下载视频到运行微软Windows操作系统的本地计算机。 下载突袭者的主要特点是,现在你可以从选定的视频服务下载常规质量,高质量,高清的视频。同时,您有机会选择FLV或MP4格式的视频质量(常规、中等或高),具体取决于视频服务机会。 将下载突袭者区别于其他程序的主要特点是操作效率高,用户界面方便。该程序还支持在停止和观看影片后从当前位置恢复文件下载的能力。此外,程序持续监视、显示必要的引用并自动执行所有必要的操作。 在文件下载过程中提供了一种方便的下载分类管理方法。 上传指示器允许您控制视频下载过程和操作速率。 下载突袭者使用原始技术,它允许您完全使用程序,而无需打开主窗口与下载列表。 如果您使用下载突袭者将视频保存到硬盘中,当您决定向家人或朋友显示时,请务必找到它。您还可以以其他格式下载视频,以尽可能高的质量查看视频。


  • 版本 1.1.3 发布于 2011-09-16



Download Raider License Agreement This licence describes the conditions under which you may use version 1 of Download Raider Light ("the program"). If you are unable or unwilling to accept these conditions in full, then, notwithstanding the conditions in the remainder of this licence, you may not use the program at all. The program is "try-before-you-buy" software. Unregistered copy of the program can be only used for evaluational purposes during the 30-day trial period. Registration gives you the right to use the program after the 30-day trial period, receive technical support and use features available only for registered users. Before the expiration of the 30-day trial period you must either register your copy of the program or stop using it. You are granted a non-exclusive licence to use the program on one computer at a time. The program may not be rented, leased or transferred. Any use of the program which is illegal under international or local law is forbidden by this licence. Any such action is the sole responsibility of the person committing the action. The program is distributed "AS IS" and you assume full responsibility for determining the suitability of the program and for results obtained. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE THE PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. RITLABS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NOBODY WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. You may not distribute, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease and sell the program. Also, you may not modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the program, or any subset of the program, except to the extent and for the express purposes authorized by applicable law. Any such unauthorised use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this licence and may result in criminal or civil prosecution. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by DownloadRaider Software. DownloadRaider Software reserves the right to make exceptions to any of these conditions, or alter these conditions, at any time. However, you may always use these conditions instead of any altered version if you prefer (note that this licence explicitly applies only to one version of the program; therefore, if DownloadRaider Software makes new conditions in connection with a future version, you do not then have the right to apply these conditions to that version instead). Installing or using the program signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the licence. If you do not agree with the terms of this licence you must remove the program files from your storage devices and cease to use the program. © DownloadRaider Software 2010 - 2011. All rights reserved.