EB2MWFL 1.10

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此工具在 Windows 下向邮件处理器(众所周知的反垃圾邮件工具)和 Eudora(电子邮件客户端的先驱)用户收件人。它允许, 最单纯的世界, 进口 Eudora 地址书到邮件洗涤者朋友名单。因此,您通常的联系人将是安全的,不能被适当视为垃圾邮件发送者。希望这个工具将为您服务一样多,我自己;我经常运行它, 以考虑到我的 Eudora 书籍的新地址。快速安装和卸载。在 Windows 32 位下使用 MailWasher Pro 4.x 到 2012 和 Eudora 6 到 7 进行测试。英语和法语免费软件。


  • 版本 1.10 发布于 2012-06-20
    成为免费软件, 并支持最近的邮件洗涤器



This package is distributed according to the principle of Freeware. It cannot be sold. You are warned that any code modification or reverse engineering, outside of the normal configuration, will break any support from the author. Thus, if you find a bug, just try to describe me a way to reproduce it, rather than trying to work around it by yourself ; of course, in this case, you'll get for free an eventual new release to correct it. Not any warranty being attached with this code, you agree to use-it at your own risk and be the only one responsible about any direct or indirect effect on your data. -- FFh Lab www.ffh-lab.com