ECTI 1.75

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ECTI 是一个软件,用于创建演示文稿、演示、模拟、帮助、支持、学习...截屏、捕捉鼠标移动、图像、Flash 动画、冲击波 3D 内容,以创建可从 CDRom/DVDRom 和基于 Windows 的 Internet 播放的电影。 使用 ECTI 的十大理由 1)赚钱 2)增益时间 3)让客户满意,避免耗时和昂贵的工作 4)轻松创建有效内容 5)创建在线或离线内容 6)无需特殊发展技能 7)多语言支持 8)低价:在这么短的时间内,您不能自己或使用任何其他软件实现相同的目标 9)ECTI团队提供优质支持 10)创建帮助文档不再枯燥! 经典场景 您处于软件开发阶段,您想快速创建有效的帮助,您可以将在线放在您的网站上,并随着您的 CDRom:ECTI 是解决方案进行分发。 您创建了一个复杂的软件,在纸面或简单的 HTML 页面中不容易解释:ECTI 是解决方案。 您想同时创建一个产品演示,可以在 PC、CDRom、DVDRom 和 Internet 上阅读:ECTI 是解决方案。 原则 您可以通过使用一系列图片直接创建演示文稿来启动项目;或者,为了演示软件的使用情况,您可以在应用程序中捕获屏幕截图和鼠标操作,并将它们组织到动画培训课程中。 从要描述的应用程序收集所有序列和文档。ECTI 丰富了上下文注释、图片、链接、闪光或冲击波 3D 动画的序列...音频注释和音频文件也可以集成到动画中。编译这些元素后,ECTI 创建一个内容,可以从 CDRom/DVDRom 或从网络使用冲击波免费插件播放。


  • 版本 1.75 发布于 2006-06-19



ECTI LICENSE AGREEMENT This licensing agreement for end user is a legal document established among you and the FPU. Please read it attentively before passing in the use of the software. This licensing agreement offers the right to use this software and contains information concerning the guarantee and the exclusions from responsibility. By clicking the button (s) of downloading or installation, and by using this software, you confirm your acceptance of the software and agree to be bound by the terms of this licensing agreement. If such is not your wish, uninstall the software of your computer. 1. Definitions " FPU - ECTI - CATI " indicate the sarl FPU and its distributor of license, if need be. "Software " indicates the computer program (s) of the sarl FPU and the other publishers, if need be, supplied by the sarl FPU within the framework of this contract, and the corresponding documentation, the associated supports, the printed materials, and the online or electronic documentation 2. Offer of license You can install and use the software on a single desktop computer equipped with an operating system Windows (such as Windows 95, 98 , 2000, NT, and XP), and can not - unless opposite indication mentioned this inside - to use the software on a peripheral other one than a desktop computer such as, but without limiting itself to it, a peripheral of access to Web, a peripheral for television, a pocket computer or a mobile telephone. A license of the software can not be shared, installed or used simultaneously on various computers. You have the right to make a copy of the software in legible size(format) by a machine in purposes of protection only. You should reproduce on every copy all the mentions relative to the copyright and quite other mentions concerning the property, such as they appear on the copy of origin of the software. FPU can, following a reasonable advance notice, verify the respect for the clauses of the present license. The rights conferred within the contract of this licensing agreement are non-exclusive. 3. Limitations the software To start, the software will verify via Internet that the user has the right to use the software on every launch. In the case or the engine of control license will find a multiple use of the same license. The owner of the license will be warns automatically. At the end of 5 attempts of deceitful use, the license will be cancelled and will not be paid off. Safe for the reasons described in the Section 2 of this document, you do not have to either realize, or distribute, of copies of the software, or transfer electrically the software from a computer to the other one, or on a network. You accept not to alter, to merge, to modify, to adapt or to convert the software, not to decompile, to dismantle or otherwise to reduce the software to a decipherable shape. You accept not to sell, to rent, to give to lease or to grantof sublicense of the software. You accept not to modify the software nor to create of derived works based on the software. The sarl FPU reserves the right to cancel this license in case you would not respect the terms and the conditions of this licensing agreement. If need be, you accept to destroy all the copies of the software (all other rights of both parts, and all other terms of this contract, being in force). The copy or the reproduction of the Software with the aim of a new reproduction or of a later repeat broadcast is expressly forbidden. 4. Property The present Contract is a licensing agreement of Software. The present Contract is not a sale contract. The present license grants you rights limited as for the usage of the software. The sarl FPU and his(her) suppliers retain all the rights, the titles and the interests - including the rights of copyright and intellectual property - for the software, as well as for their copies. All the rights not specifically granted by this licensing agreement, including the rights of copyright for the national and international levels, belong to The sarl FPU and to his(her) suppliers. The sarl FPU remains an owner of the copy of the Software supplied as well as the copies which the graduate is authorized to make by virtue of the present contract. The rights of the graduate on the Software are specified in the present Contract, with the exception of those who were not expressly granted by the present. 5. Denial of guarantee The software is provided you with and "as is". The sarl FPU offers no technical support or guaranteed as for this software. The sarl FPU and his(her) suppliers reject quite other guarantees or conditions, express or tacit, in this included guarantees and conditions of marketing or suitability for a particular usage. The sarl FPU does not guarantee that the software contains no error or works continuously. The software is not conceived, not foreseen or does not put under license for a use in an environment obliging an execution continuously, such as (but without limiting itself to it) the conception, the construction, the maintenance or the exploitation of nuclear installations, aviation or systems of communication, air-traffic control, and systems of vital support or armament. The sarl FPU rejects specifically any guarantee, specially or implicit, of capacity to such functions. If the applicable right foresees guarantees or conditions being able to concern the product of the sarl FPU, all these guarantees and conditions are limited in duration in ninety ( 90 ) days as from delivery date. No information or recommendation, under oral or written shape, supplied by the sarl FPU, his(her) retailers, distributors, agents or employees can be considered as a guarantee or an improvement of guarantees mentioned this inside. 6. Limits of responsibility The responsibility of the sarl FPU or his(her) suppliers will be engaged in no case, to you or quite other part, for any consequential, special, incidental, punitive or consecutive damage (including - without limiting itself to it - the damages such as impossibility of use of equipment or access to the data, the loss of clientele, loss, or other), caused by the use (or the impossibility of use) of the software and based on any theory of responsibility, such as violation of contract, disregard of the guarantee, the action in extra-contractual responsibility (including in case of carelessness) or action based on the responsibility because of products, or for quite other reason and it, even if the sarl FPU or his(her) representatives were the warned of the possibility of such damages, and even if an appeal such as mentioned higher was unsuccessfully introduced. The total amount of the responsibility of the sarl FPU for any effectively undergone damages, whatever is their cause, will be equal to the highest amount of the following sums: the sum paid by you for the purchase of the software to the sarl FPU having caused these damages or 50 euros. 7. Essential elements of the contract The denial of guarantee, the unique appeal and the limit of responsibility expressed higher are essential bases of this contract made between the sarl FPU and you. The sarl FPU would not economically be capable of supplying the software in the absence of such limitations. Of such denial of guarantee, unique and limit appeal of responsibility are to the advantage of the vendor of license of the sarl FPU. 8. Users of versions general public The limits or the exclusions from guarantees and responsibilities contained in this licensing agreement do not affect the rights of the consumer, that is every person buying possessions in a not commercial frame. The limits or the exclusions from guarantees, the appeals and responsibilities contained in this licensing agreement can be applied to your situation only in case such limits or exclusions are authorized by the laws current in the place where you are. 9. Software published by third publishers(editors) The software can contain of the computer code or software published by third publishers who oblige the publication of warning andor terms and supplementary conditions. These warnings andor terms and supplementary conditions are published on (Link: and are incorporated by reference into this licensing agreement. 10. General information This licensing agreement is governed by the French law. You accept the competence of the French courts in particular that of Bordeaux (33 000) in case of dispute within the framework of this licensing agreement. This licensing agreement contains the complete agreement between the parts as regards its object and prevails over quite other contract or previous or current agreement, that he is oral or writes. Any different or supplementary term appearing on an order form or quite other document drafted by you as for the software object of this license is invalid. The neglect or the delay of the sarl FPU to exercise its rights within the framework of this licensing agreement, or during the break of this licensing agreement, do not indicate a desolation of these rights. The salesmen, the agents or the employees of the sarl FPU are not authorized to modify this licensing agreement. Any clause of this contract considered by a court competent as being against the law will be applied in the limits allowed by the law, all other clauses of this being in force contract. Any question concerning this licensing agreement should be sent in: [email protected] The sarl FPU and the other marks(brands) mentioned in the software are marks(brands) or registered trademarks of the sarl FPU. Others name of marks(brands) or products and the mentioned logos can be marks(brands) or registered trademarks belonging to the other entities. You agree not to abolish or to modify the mentions of marks(brands), names of products, logos, mentions of copyright or the other mentions of property, legends, symbols or the other text affixed to the software. This licensing agreement does not authorize you to use FPU - ECTIs name - CATI or of its vendors of license, nor their respective marks(brands).