EditPad Classic 3.5.3

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 315.60 KB
‎用户评分: 2.5/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

EditPad 经典是一个小,但功能强大的文本编辑器和记事本替换。 它结构紧凑(单个 exe),并且具有易于使用的选项卡式界面。 它有一些非常有趣的功能: * EditPad 可以一次打开任意数量的文件,没有任意的文件大小限制。 * 通过单击打开的文件选项卡,在打开的文件之间切换。没有重叠窗口堆的麻烦。 * 如果当实例已经运行时再次运行 EditPad,则要编辑的文件将由现有的 EditPad 窗口打开。这意味着最多将打开一个 EditPad 窗口,这将为您从大量任务切换中节省。 * 如果您确实需要更多实例,只需选择 View *菜单中的新编辑器。 * 如果您愿意,"EditPad"窗口将保留在所有其他窗口的顶部 * 阻止功能:将部分文本保存到磁盘;在当前文本中插入文件 * 指定许多打印设置:字体、边距、页眉/页脚、行间距等。 * 重新打开菜单,列出最近打开的 16 个文件。 * EditPad 可以在系统托盘中放入一个图标,即使 EditPad 已关闭,也保持可见。这样,您可以轻松快速地访问 EditPad,而无需一直保持开放状态。 * 配置打开和保存对话框文件筛选器(文件类型列表)。 * 打开并保存 Unix 和 Mac 文件 * 转换: ANSI <> OEM (DOS ASCII);选项卡 <=> 空格;大写、小写或首字母;ROT-13 *轻松和工作安装和卸载(只需复制.exe到您的硬盘驱动器,并删除它摆脱它)。 * 它几乎是免费的!(只是一张明信片, 一张邮票和一些好话) * 在http://www.jgsoft.com/editpadcomm.html * ... 也可以从http://www.justgreatsoftware.com/ * 用于 Windows 3.1 的编辑板(未维护) * 编辑板精简版(后继编辑板经典) *EditPad Pro (专业版本与许多新的,伟大的功能!


  • 版本 3.5.3 发布于 2000-08-06



EditPad is copyright (C) 1996-2000, by Jan Goyvaerts. The software (EditPad Classic) is provided "as is". In no event shall I, the author, be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. This software has been written with great care but I do not warrant that the software is error free. You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the software in whole or in part. You may freely give copies of EditPad Classic to others, as long as the software is unmodified. You may not change a single bit, you may not exclude any files or add any to the package and you may not make EditPad Classic part of another package. You may not charge any money for the copying and/or distribution of EditPad Classic, also not for EditPad itself. EditPad Classic is postcardware. You are allowed to install EditPad and to try it out for a short while (a week or two), but if you want to continue using it you are kindly requested to "pay" by sending the author a nice postcard to the address shown below. A postcard is a piece of thick paper with a pretty picture on one side (showing something about where you live, what you do, what you like, etc.) and some nice words written by the sender on the other side. I collect postcards. Only real ones, not the electronic/virtual version. Used phone cards are also welcome, as my sister collects them. After your postcard has arrived, you are allowed to use EditPad Classic for as long and as much as you want, without any other cost. You also have the right then to update your copy of EditPad Classicwhen new versions come out. If you mention your email address very clearly on the postcard, I will send you a message when I receive your postcard. Please note that this "payment" is strictly personal. Everyone who uses EditPad Classic has to register, even if someone else installed it on your computer or if you found it on some CD-ROM you bought. (You paid for the CD, not for EditPad Classic.) Even if EditPad Classic seems to be a simple application, writing it was not a very easy task. So if you like it, send me a nice postcard. If everyone would say "thank you" when someone else did or said something nice, this world would be a much better place. If you feel that EditPad Classic is definitively worth some money, feel free to put your postcard in an envelope and include a few dollars (or your local currency). This will surely encourage me to go on with the development of new EditPad versions. You may also consider buying a license to EditPad Pro at http://www.editpadpro.com Send your postcards to this address: Jan Goyvaerts Lerrekensstraat 5 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg Belgium