Encoder Wizard ActiveX 3.0

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编码器向导是两个 ActiveX (ocx) 控件的集合,编码器向导和解码器向导。这两个控件允许您完全支持 Base64、引用-可打印、UUEncode、yEnc、MD5、HMAC MD5、URL、SHA-1 和二进制 2 十六进制编码方法。您可以快速、智能地对数据进行编码和解码。基 64 是通常用于 MIME 消息中的二进制文件的编码方法。它还用于通过 telnet 连接到某些服务器对特殊字符的数据进行编码。引用-可打印用于对文本进行编码,以跨某些邮件服务器进行传输。它也通常用于 MIME 消息。UUEncode 是 Unix 系统用于封装二进制数据的数据编码机制,以便它可以安全地跨网络连接传输。yEnc 是最近创建的编码方法,现在在新闻组中使用了很多,因为它比 UUEncode 格式对数据存储效率高得多。yEnc 利用能够使用 8 位编码的优势,而不是 UUEncode 使用的更受限制的 7 位编码形式。MD5 是一种消息摘要哈希算法,用于验证和验证消息完整性。它创建一个高度独特的 16 字节 ( 128 位 ) 摘要从一组数据,这是几乎不可能重新创建没有相同的确切的输入数据.还支持 HMAC MD5。这允许使用"密钥"哈希算法。哈希将仅在数据和键相同时生成相同的值。非常适合完整性检查和安全哈希生成。SHA-1 是美国政府使用的另一种高度安全的消息摘要算法。它现在是一个公开开放的算法,使用 160 位或 20 字节摘要。长度小于 2~64 字节的任何数据集的哈希提供了唯一的哈希,该哈希值仅可按唯一字节顺序创建。


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2005-07-01
    编码器向导。西福德解决方案公司.v1.0.1. FIXED - 属性页未显示版本页。FIXED - "未知动词"显示在"视觉基本"中,而不是"属性"中。.已修复 - 安装已更改以修复编译错误的示例项目。.v1.0.2. 已添加 - 添加了对 yEnc 算法的编码和解码的支持。使用智能解析查找字符串或文件中的多部分数据节,以进行强大的解码。v1.0.3. 已添加 - 添加了对检索数据字符串或文件的 MD5 摘要代码的支持。.v1.0.4. FIXED - 为函数传递的系统字符串的内存分配未正确完成。编码器向导正在释放由其他进程创建的字符串。.v1.0.5. FIXED - 对于具有无关数据和非传统格式的文件,UUEncode 解析更加健壮。.v1.0.6. 已添加 - 支持 URL 编码和解码。.v1.0.7. FIXED - 扩展字符的 URL 编码未对标准执行。.v1.0.8. 已更新 - 更新了对 yEnc 规范中更改的支持。.v1.0.9 .FIXED - 当已分配出站字符串时,系统字符串的内存未释放。这已经。解决。已修复 - 解决了包装纸和字符串到文件函数的问题。.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.版本 2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////..v2.0.10 04-05-2003。已添加 - 支持编码 SHA-1 摘要算法。这是用于哈希的单向算法。已添加 - 支持编码/解码二进制数据到十六进制字符串转换。即"A"";->"41".//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.版本 3.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////..v3.0.12 12/05/2004.更新 - 增强算法。提高速度...



Encoder Wizard license agreement ========================= Encoder Wizard is copyright protected. All files included on the Encoder Wizard diskette with the exception of the Sample Projects are covered by this copyright. As the registered user of this product, you are granted the right to use a single copy of the Encoder Wizard OCX on a single computer for development purposes. You may make additional copies for backup purposes only. Copies of Encoder Wizard that are stored on a network device or file server may only be used by a single user for development purposes. As the registered user of this product, you are also granted the royalty free right to redistribute runtime only copies of EncoderWizard.OCX. You may not distribute Encoder Wizard as part of a product which is in direct competition with Encoder Wizard itself. You may not distribute the unlock code other than for your own personal development. You may not alter or reverse engineer the contents of any of the files supplied on the Encoder Wizard product distribution disk with the exception of the sample Projects. If you do not understand and agree to the terms of this software license agreement, you should delete all copies of Encoder Wizard from your computer and return the Encoder Wizard product to Seekford Solutions, Inc. for a refund, subject to our restocking fee. ------------------------------------------------------------ Limited Warranty ================ This product is believed to be free of manufacturing defects to the physical media on which it is supplied at the time you receive it. If this is not the case, you may return your copy of Encoder Wizard to Seekford Solutions, Inc. and a replacement diskette will be supplied. This product has been tested and we have made a reasonable attempt to see that it performs as documented. In the event that it does not perform as documented, Seekford Solutions, Inc. will make a reasonable attempt to correct any problems or bugs exhibited by this product. Seekford Solutions, Inc. will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages (including but not limited to loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information) caused by the use of this product or for the suitability of this product to perform adequately in any situation where it is used. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, no other warranties are expressed or implied. Portions of this warranty are void where prohibited by law, but all other portions not prohibited by law still apply.