ExpenseMonitor Excel 1.0.0

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费用监控 Excel 软件旨在使支出跟踪简单、简单且功能强大,足以使每月的总计和图表实时运行,从而帮助您高效地分析支出模式。 该软件需要微软Excel,它有许多强大的功能,如下所示: (1) 图表:项目和类别的月度总计分别绘制为条形图和饼图。如果输入收入,也会绘制包含储蓄的饼图。 (2)飞行中的总计:每个项目、每个类别和所有费用的总计在飞行工作表中计算。 (3) 年度合并:每个项目、类别和组的总计可以合并为年度汇总和图表,点击一个按钮。 (4) 对支出进行分组:支出项目可以标记为定期和/或免税组。 此信息用于每年合并到不同的组:所有费用、非经常性、定期和免税。这将有助于填补税收,并更好地分析您的支出模式。 (5) 定义类别和项目的灵活性:该软件提供了费用类别和项目的综合列表。但是,它还提供了定义您自己的类别和项目的灵活性 (6) 节省时间:每当打开费用监视器时,都会出现一个小工具栏。它有以下节省时间的工具:搜索实用程序和总和计算器,冻结/解冻列,搜索图表,显示计算器,并生成报告。 (7) 搜索能力:您可以在工作表或注释中搜索字符串或值,并使用提供的总和计算器计算所选费用的总额。此实用程序可以通过多种方式帮助您,例如,账单合并。 (8) 帮助文件: 费用监控附带良好的帮助文件提供提示和有用的互联网链接.


  • 版本 1.0.0 发布于 2001-12-18



This license authorizes you to use the ExpenseMonitor Excel solely in accordance with this Agreement. You may use the unregistered version of the software as long as you like and can share with others. You shall not sell, lease, transfer, sublicense, disseminate, modify the Program or any information pertaining thereto to any other party without the prior written consent of Vidyasoft Applications. You may not reverse assemble or reverse compile or otherwise attempt to create the source code from the Program. This software and associated documents are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance, merchantability, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of various hardware and software environment into which this program might be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. While every effort to test the product in a wide variety of operating environment has been made, good procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume entire risk of the program and associated documents. Any liability of the author will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of the purchase price.