F-Billing Revolution 2015 FREE

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为企业、服务提供商和自由职业者提供免费计费软件。不言而喻的屏幕,简单快捷的发票创建。无限发票、估算、订单、付款、客户和产品。网络就绪,通过 LAN 网络同时支持多个用户。 支持库存控制。Unicode/UTF8 字符集。可编辑的客户数据库、产品和服务数据库。使用公司徽标打印或通过电子邮件发送专业发票。 对客户、产品、发票等进行部分搜索。支持在不同的公司使用不同的货币符号。管理发票和报表。在所有发票上打印销售消息或注释。从新发票中"飞行"地追加新产品和客户,以秒为单位。从发票中弹出产品列表,然后单击产品以自动将其添加到发票中。在发票上插入行项目,使用描述字段扩展每个行项目的产品描述。内置软件更新程序,以及内置自动数据库备份。PDF 支持,通过电子邮件发送发票或 PDF 格式的报告。广泛的软件设置,易于设置、学习和使用。符合 2000 年标准,包括日期选择日历,或者您可以键入日期。使用逗号分隔电子邮件地址,将电子邮件发送到多个电子邮件地址。密码保护。中小型企业的的理想之选。现在使用云备份、还原和 SMS 通知工具。


  • 版本 发布于 2015-05-01
    新功能, 主要改进专业版可用。



USER LICENSE AGREEMENT LICENSE GRANT Fbilling Software ("FS") grants you a non-exclusive license to use this software, and any associated documentation ("The Software"), as indicated herein. If you have purchased a Single User License, one copy of the Software may be installed and used, for internal use only, on a single computer. The Software is in "use" on a single computer when it has been loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory (hard disk or other device) of that computer. If you have purchased a Multiple User License (you specified several copies of the software when you purchased it), the Software may be installed and used, for internal purposes only, on the number of computers authorized at the time of purchase. You MAY: (a) make a copy of the software for archival purpose only; (b) install the Software on another computer only if you change of workstation. In such a case you must uninstall the software from the previous workstation. RESTRICTIONS You MAY NOT: (a) copy and distribute the Software or any portion of it; (b) sublicense, lease, rent, or transfer this Software to another; (c) cause or permit reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation or alteration of this Software; (d) remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions from this Software; (e) copy the documentation accompanying the software. TERM This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the Software, together with all copies thereof. COPYRIGHT/OWNERSHIP This Software and its source code are proprietary products of FS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The Software is licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the Software and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the Software other than those specified in this License. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The Software is supplied "AS IS". FS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES FS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if FS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.