FilerPal Jobber 3.02.01

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 9.15 MB
‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

网络和台式计算机的基于作业的文件管理。 FilerPal Jobber 是快速处理文件和目录、备份、复制、移动、删除、压缩、解压缩、同步、文件和文件夹监视等的工具。通过详细调整要处理的文件,在本地或网络中管理文件。 文件必须移动、复制、压缩、解压缩或重复删除的任何地方。在桌面或网络中。详细设置允许不同的可能应用程序。例如,在必须收集、存档、提取或分发文件的网络中。FilerPal Jobber 可用于不同类型的文件管理,如备份或同步。 此外,在桌面上简化了 FilerPal Jobber 的文件和目录工作。一键复制、移动或删除已定义的文件将节省时间并提高生产效率。工作喜欢找到一个文件夹,选择某些数据复制,创建一个新的文件夹,粘贴,找到下一个文件夹,复制文件,创建一个新的文件夹 - 每个人都知道在处理大量的文件和文件夹时枯燥的工作 - 这是工作,可以很容易地由文件帕尔 Jobber 自动完成,以获得时间真正重要的时间。


  • 版本 3.02.01 发布于 2014-01-20



SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU MUST AGREE TO THIS LICENSE BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE! 1. GENERAL This Software License Agreement (herein after this Agreement) is a legal agreement between you i.e., the end user or customer (either an individual or a legal entity) and Karl E. Maij - KMSoft (hereinafter "KMSoft"). The copyright of this software (hereinafter the Software) and its associated documentation (including any, files, images, text incorporated into the Software) as well as any accompanying written materials is owned by KMSoft (the Owner), located at Sonnenrainstrasse 7a in 8134 Adliswil, Switzerland, and is protected by Swiss copyright laws and international treaties. By installing, copying, downloading or otherwise using this software, you agree with the Owner to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which will govern your use of the Software. You also agree then to KMSoft's standard business conditions. If you do not agree to this Agreement, do not install or use this Software. Any offence against this Agreement will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You will be held responsible for any employees or users who receive the Software and in turn make unauthorized copies. Customers should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using the Software. 2. LICENSE KMSoft grants, and the customer accepts, a non transferable and nonexclusive license to use the Software on the following terms and conditions: You are permitted to pass copies of this software WITHOUT the registration key for evaluation purposes. You may copy the software to another disk or media, for the purpose of backup protection only in the event of a system wide crash. The use of the Software on more than one server/computer requires the purchase of additional licenses of the Software. Installation of the Software onto a system that you use means that you have accepted and agreed to the terms that govern the use of copyrighted software. You are not permitted to: a) make copies of, or distribute any parts of the Software including the registration key. b) install more instances of the software then you have licenses for it. c) rent, lease, sub-license, loan, copy, modify, alter, adapt, merge, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or re-package the Software into another product, or to disassemble it or create derivative works, based on the whole, or any part, of the Software or its associated documentation. d) copy the Software incl. the registration Key for the purpose of illegal distribution or loading onto systems owned by another individual or company. 3. TERM This Agreement is effective until you terminate it by destroying the Software and its documentation, together with all copies. This agreement will also terminate if you fail to abide by its terms. Upon termination, you agree to destroy all copies of the Software, and its documentation, including any Software stored on the hard disk of any server/computer under your control. 4. OWNERSHIP The Software is licensed to you. You do not own it. The Owner shall at all times retain ownership of the Software as well as all subsequent copies thereof, regardless of form or storage medium. The owner also retains the title, and all proprietary rights to the Software, including, but not limited to, all patent, copyright, trade secret, service marks, registered service marks, trademark or registered trademark rights. You agree to protect the confidentiality of the Software, the documentation as well as any accompanying written materials. You agree that you will not provide a copy of the Software or documentation or any accompanying written materials nor divulge any proprietary information of KMSoft to any person, other than your employees, without the prior consent of KMSoft. You shall use the best efforts to see that any user of the Software licensed hereunder complies with all provisions and prohibitions this Agreement. 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE OWNER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE FOLLOWING: THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL BE FREE FROM BUGS, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS, THAT IT WILL PERFORM WITHOUT INTERRUPTION, THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT NEW RELEASES AND/OR UPGRADES OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE PROVIDED. THE SOFTWARE, ANY INFORMATION, CODES, AND/OR EXECUTABLES PROVIDED, IS SUPPLIED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE OWNER FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE RECIPIENT ACCEPTS ANY AND ALL RISK ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE OWNER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR INCIDENTAL LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE (OR INABILITY TO USE) THE SOFTWARE, OR FROM ERRORS OR DEFICIENCIES IN IT, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF THE OWNER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OWNER'S LIABILITY EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE. INDISPENSABLE CLAIMS FOR PRODUCT LIABILITY BY LAW REMAIN UNAFFECTED. BECAUSE SOME STATES/JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO RECIPIENT. 6. LAW This Agreement shall be governed by Swiss laws and regulations and international treaties. Legal venue shall be Zurich, Switzerland. This license based upon laws of the federal republic of Switzerland. If any part of this license should be declared antinomian by a court with competent jurisprudence the remaining parts keep their validity anyway. Karl E. Maij - KMSoft - Sonnenrainstrasse 7a - CH 8136 Gattikon