查找硬币查看器是www.findcoins.eu:该网站,你可以找到有关世界硬币的信息,在那里你可以管理在线你的收藏,轻松地与其他用户交换。 有了这个实用程序,你可以导航抛出硬币数据库www.findcoins.eu,并拥有你想要的硬币的信息。首先,您可以按照以下步骤操作: - 在左侧的搜索面板上输入您喜欢的过滤器 - 按"搜索"按钮筛选硬币列表 - 在列表中选择一枚硬币以显示相关信息 请注意,信息是从www.findcoins.eu加载的,因此您需要互联网连接才能使用此实用程序。 硬币的信息页面每天更新,如果你没有找到你需要的信息, 你可以在网站论坛上提出你的信息。
- 版本 1.0 发布于 2006-12-31
- 软件分类: 首页 + 爱好 > 编目
- 发布者: The Eye Feel
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.0
- 适用平台: windows
Find Coins Viewer, and any and all accompanying software, files, data and materials, are distributed and provided AS IS and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Eye Feel does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, Find Coins Viewer. The Eye Feel does not warrant that the operation of Find Coins Viewer will be uninterrupted or error-free. You acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including Find Coins Viewer, must be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before there is any reliance on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of all use of the copies of Find Coins Viewer covered by this License. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License.