Finders Keepers(tm) 可以搜索文件、替换文本、索引整个硬盘驱动器以进行即时文本检索、查看或启动任何找到的文件、压缩找到的文件以及编辑找到的 ASCII 文本文件。 搜索文件 4 种方式:纯文本搜索、正则表达式、近似和类似声音。 即使单词拼写错误,也查找单词。 查看、编辑或启动找到的文件 6 种方式,例如,按关联程序。 内置了 ASCII 文本编辑器和二进制文件查看器。 有了这些,点击导航器按钮从查找跳转到查找以快速查找文件或文档检查。 复制、移动或删除找到的文件。 将结果保存到磁盘,供将来参考。 跨多个文件和文件夹安全地替换文本。 从4个级别的确认选择,包括逐字逐句。 更改的文件会自动备份。 可以用正则表达式替换。 您可以使用密码禁用危险用户(如儿童用户或新用户的替换功能)。 索引所选文件或整个硬盘驱动器,以查找具有分秒文本检索的单词。 立即查看单词中的文件列表,并 6 种方式查看或启动这些文件。 您可以轻松地在索引中找到拼写错误的单词。 使用索引保留编写项目的概述。 高级功能包括大约 70 个选项来控制查找和替换操作、结果中显示的内容、文件扩展名(如 ".sys")以从所有操作中排除,等等。 其他功能包括触摸、更改文件属性、批处理模式查找和替换、二进制字符搜索、列表文件和从 Windows 资源管理器拖放。 该程序通过 F1 键提供弹出窗口上下文相关的帮助。
- 版本 4.10.1 发布于 2009-05-09
Vista 的细微更改 - 版本 4.00.0 发布于 2007-02-09
增强的界面;添加了 Web 搜索
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 文件和磁盘管理
- 发布者: Yadu Digital, Inc.
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $29.95
- 版本: 4.10.1
- 适用平台: windows
LICENSE PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING FINDERS KEEPERS(tm). THIS LICENSE IS AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND YADU DIGITAL, INC., THE OWNER OF FINDERS KEEPERS(tm). IF YOU USE FINDERS KEEPERS(tm), YOUR USE IS YOUR AGREEMENT WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY PART OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT USE FINDERS KEEPERS(tm), AND IMMEDIATELY DELETE IT FROM YOUR COMPUTER AND STORAGE MEDIA SUCH AS DISKS AND TAPES. 1) DEFINITIONS Hereinafter, the following definitions apply. A) "The Software" means FINDERS KEEPERS(tm) and any files associated with it, including, but not limited to, the executable file (known commonly as the computer program) and all documentation. B) "Documentation" means all writings and human-readable files, including, but not limited to, the help files and text documents provided with the Software. C) "You" means an individual person or a legal entity acting in agreement and compliance with this License. 2) GRANT OF LICENSE FOR EVALUATION COPY: Yadu Digital, Inc., retains all ownership of the Software, but grants You a non-exclusive License to use the Software according to purposes You determine, subject to terms and conditions herein, for a period not to exceed 30 days, after which you agree to purchase a license or discontinue your use of the software. GRANT OF LICENSE FOR PAID COPY: Yadu Digital, Inc., retains all ownership of the Software, but in return for your payment of the purchase price of a License, Yadu Digital, Inc., grants You a non-exclusive License to use the Software according to purposes You determine, subject to the following limitations on installations: A) You may install one copy of the Software on one machine for each License of the Software that You paid for. B) You may make a reasonable number of backup copies of the Software. C) If You are installing the Software on a network, You must purchase a License for each workstation that uses the Software. 3) WARRANTY-DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Yadu Digital, Inc., expressly disclaims all warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The software and documentation are provided on an "as is" basis. Yadu Digital, Inc., does not warrant that the software and documentation will suit your purposes; nor that the software is free of all defects; nor that any defects will be corrected. If the software or documentation is defective, You agree to assume all costs associated with servicing, repair, or correction that You require. You agree that this disclaimer is an essential part of the License. The software and documentation may not be used except under this disclaimer. 4) LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Yadu Digital, Inc., shall not be liable under any circumstances or legal theory, whether contract, tort, or otherwise, for consequential, indirect, incidental, special, or exemplary damages, including lost data or profits, arising out of this License or your use of the software, even if Yadu Digital, Inc., has been advised of the possibility of such damages or some remedy set forth herein has failed in its purpose. In any case, the liability of Yadu Digital, Inc., shall be limited to the amount You paid for your License. 5) INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Yadu Digital, Inc., against any and all assertions and claims arising out of your use of the software. 6) GOVERNING LAWS AND JURISDICTION This agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of Indiana. You agree that any litigation arising out of this License must be filed and tried in the State of Indiana, and the federal courts in the Southern District of Indiana, to which jurisdictions You will submit yourself, with the losing party responsible for costs, including court costs, reasonable attorneys' fees, and other related expenses. 7) COMPLETE AGREEMENT This License embodies the complete agreement between Yadu Digital, Inc., and You. This License supersedes any other communications or agreements, oral or written, related to the Software or the matters of this License. If any part of this License is held to be unenforceable, that part shall be modified only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and no other part shall lose any force. 8) TERMINATION You may terminate this License by removing the Software from your computer and destroying any physical copies that You have on storage media such as disks and tapes. Yadu Digital, Inc., may terminate this License without notification for any failure of compliance. On termination, Yadu Digital, Inc., retains all rights and ownership of the Software, as well as all rights under provisions herein that grant protections and remedies to Yadu Digital, Inc., including, but not limited to, paragraphs 3, 4, 5, and 6. 9) ACKNOWLEDGMENT You acknowledge that You have read this License, You understand it, and You agree to its terms and conditions. You acknowledge that any use You make of the Software is an affirmation of your agreement with the terms and conditions of the License.