Flash Menu Factory 3.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 19.73 MB
‎用户评分: 3.8/5 - ‎8 ‎评分

Flash菜单工厂是一个新的软件应用程序,允许您创建时尚和令人印象深刻的网站导航,包括闪光下拉菜单和更多。 创建闪存菜单是定义文本和相应链接的问题,其余的是 FMF 的工作。闪存菜单工厂捆绑了106个高品质的菜单设计。 有这么多的菜单, 唯一的问题是决定使用哪一个! 主要特点和优势: - 106 设计(皮肤):106 个高品质不同的菜单设计(皮肤)预装。 - 引人注目的动画图形 - 添加图标和图像 - 声音效果播放 - 完全可定制:完全可定制到最后的细节(字体,颜色,间距,声音,图标等),以满足您的网站风格的需求。 - 易于使用:无需闪存知识或其他编程技能。 - 小文件大小,快速加载 - 可用性第一:根据雅各布尼尔森的可用性指南进行设计。您的用户永远不会被模糊的导航搞糊涂。 - 按钮制作模式:FMF也可以创建时尚的网络按钮。例如,您可以使用此模式为您的网站创建电子邮件按钮(保护垃圾邮件机器人)或其他按钮。 - 创建经典菜单以及垂直侧边栏和标签。 - 网上有其他皮肤。 - 自定义动画背景。 - 只需单击一下即可添加预加载器。 - 着色功能将匹配任何菜单设计与您的网络的配色方案。 - 简单,隐藏和浮动菜单。 - 菜单文件总是压缩在小尺寸的快速网页下载。 - 提供各种弹出式动画(展开效果)。 - 自动站点图生成器。 - 网络发布向导确保与您的网站轻松集成。 - 为注册用户提供狂热的技术支持。 - 更多:弹出动画,动画背景,预加载器,网络发布向导,着色功能和更多的功能可供你使用。


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2010-02-20



License Agreement BEFORE YOU PURCHASE AND/OR USE THIS SOFTWARE, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. Epinoisis Software (hereafter referred to as Epinoisis) permits you use the Flash Menu Factory (Full Version) software conditioned on your acceptance of the following terms. Use of this software will be taken to mean acceptance of the following terms, so please read the following terms carefully before you use the software. 1. Copyright and permission for use Epinoisis grants you as an individual the right to use the programs and data files (hereafter referred to as the Program) on only one computer at any single time. The ownership of the disk on which the Program is recorded belongs to you, but the ownership and copyright of the Program itself belongs to Epinoisis. 2. Prohibitions and restrictions You may not reverse-compile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or use any other method to convert the Program into a human-readable form, nor may you allow another person to do so. The Program may not be duplicated, corrected, modified, lent, leased, sold, distributed, licensed or disposed of in any other way in part or in whole. The creation of derivative works based on the content of the Program is also prohibited. The Program may not be transmitted over a network to another computer without written authorization from Epinoisis. Your rights regarding the Program may not be transferred to a third party. 3. Limitations of responsibility Epinoisis takes no responsibility for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages (including but not limited to data loss or damage to data, loss of profit, interruption of business activity, or loss of business data) which may result from the use of the Program or the inability to use the Program, even in cases when such damages may result or if Epinoisis has received prior notification that liability claims may be made by a third party.