当人们谈论他们的钱随着时间的推移越来越小的影响,他们谈论通货膨胀的影响。当然,问题是为什么我们的钱变小了。经济学家提供了几种思想。例如,如果一个国家在危机时期印出更多的钱来解决问题,那么货币供应量就会增加。这反过来又会导致资金变小。另一个原因可能是产品和服务的生产成本上升,这也会导致我们的钱变小。我们知道,通货膨胀使我们的货币随着时间的推移而变小,这也是人们把钱放在银行以赚取利益以对抗通货膨胀影响的原因之一。 通货膨胀对金融建模的影响 在金融建模中,通常讨论名义价值与实际价值。某样东西的实际价值基本上考虑到通货膨胀的影响。例如,如果您今天有 1000 美元,那么 5 年后的实际价值是多少?5年内1000美元的实际价值是考虑到每年通货膨胀的影响。我们可以使用货币的时间价值概念在 5 年内使用通货膨胀率来贴现 1000 美元。这导致我们质疑什么是通货膨胀率,我们如何计算通货膨胀率? 消费者价格指数 许多国家定期衡量家庭购买的商品和服务的平均价格。这些数据又在官方政府网站上公布。这些数据使我们能够计算通货膨胀率。 通胀 通货膨胀的定义是家庭购买的商品和服务价格总水平的上升。换句话说,它是衡量消费者价格指数 (CPI) 变化百分比的指标。 此通货膨胀计算器和电子表格可用于快速轻松地计算通货膨胀率。
- 版本 1.0 发布于 2009-09-23
- 软件分类: 业务 > 投资工具
- 发布者: ConnectCode Pte Ltd
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.0
- 适用平台: windows
Software License Agreement The Free Inflation Calculator together with its accompanying documentation (referred to as "Software" in this Agreement) is the property of ConnectCode Pte Ltd ("ConnectCode"). By installing or using this Software, you (or you on behalf of your organization) are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Software is protected under International Copyright Laws. 1. License Grants Free Personal User License The license associated with this Software allows for free personal use only. 2. License Restrictions You may not sell, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, adapt, translate, sublicense, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer Software except as specified in this agreement. Any unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in prosecution. 3. Termination This Agreement takes effect upon your use of the Software and remains effective until terminated. It will be terminated automatically without notice from ConnectCode if you fail to comply with any provision contained here. You agree on termination of this Agreement to destroy all copies of the Software in your possession. 4. Limitation of liability In no event will ConnectCode be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or the inability to use the software, even if an authorized dealer or distributor has been advised of the possibility of these damages. ConnectCode will not be liable to you for any damages if you lose money (or reputation, or any other losses) on your investments or speculations as a result of using or misusing the Software. 5. Warranty Disclaimer ConnectCode disclaims all warranties, whether expressed, implied, or otherwise, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ConnectCode does not warrant that the software is error-free or will operate without interruption.