FreeBee Find And Replace 1.1

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使用完整的 Unicode 支持进行搜索和替换工具将提高您的工作效率,并节省许多小时的手动编辑时间,您每天花费这些时间在本地磁盘上更新任何类型的文件。 在进行替换之前预览替换。 自动任务的命令行开关。大小、日期和属性筛选器。轻松的多行搜索和替换操作。丰富的内容编辑功能集,包括搜索筛选器、文件夹选择器。 所有这些都在清晰、全面的用户界面中交付,使您能够快速启动 你第一次更换工作在几秒钟内。请访问silveragesoftware.com更新。


  • 版本 1.1 发布于 2012-12-12



Check latest version at: E-mail: mailto:[email protected] FreeBee Find And Replace License Agreement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing and/or using the software. By installing and/or using this software you indicate that you accept the license agreement. LICENSE Silverage Software grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy the software for your personal or commercial use and for freeware distribution. NO PERMISSION FROM SilverAge Software, Inc. IS NECESSARY TO INCLUDE THIS SOFTWARE ON CD-ROM ACCOMPANYING ANY MAGAZINE, BOOK OR OTHER PUBLICATION. COPYRIGHT The software is protected by international copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Any use of the software name is strictly prohibited without the written permission of SilverAge Software. The software, including its code, appearance, structure, design and documentation is an exclusive product of SilverAge Software, who permanently preserves all property rights to the software product or its copies, modifications or merged parts. RESTRICTIONS You may not modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the software. You may not rent, lease or lend the software. NO WARRANTIES SOFTWARE IS PRESENTED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE SilverAge Software, Inc. WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE.