FullRecall 1.5.3

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FullRecall 是一种软件,它通过安排重复之间的最佳间隔来帮助您有效地记忆知识。sofware 使用人工神经网络,该网络逐渐掌握您的遗忘曲线,以安排您即将忘记信息的天数的评论。借助 FullRecall,您可以在最短的时间中学习最多,而不必担心忘记自己已经学到的东西。


  • 版本 1.5.3 发布于 2013-07-12



Copyright 2003-2013 David Calinski. All rights reserved. Portions of the code: Copyright 1996 Karsten Kutza. Permission is hereby granted, to any person obtaining a copy of this software to: 1. use this software 2. publish and distribute this software as long as all the files are distributed in their entirety This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the author or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, arising, out of or in connection with this software or the use or other dealings in this software.