FutureWare GlucoseTracker

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未来Ware 个人葡萄糖跟踪器程序为 PC 和 Palm 维护每日血糖,酮水平,运动和胰岛素读数的历史,这些显示在彩色编码条形图中。这些可以打印在条形图,线条或表格形式,可以传真到医生或其他卫生保健提供者办公室。读数也可以通过电子邮件发送给医生或其他健康提供者进行远程监控。如果正在服用药物,那么程序可以跟踪使用情况,提示何时需要补充,并打开默认的互联网浏览器在线互联网处方重新订购,如果发药药店有这种能力。这在"处方使用监控"和"在线处方重新订购"部分中更充分地描述。程序条形图显示详细血糖读数,从每日到四个月的选定审核期,并包括所选期间内每个检查周期的最大、最小和平均值。从条带取或从仪表读取的酮级在天桥提示、表格报告和注释审阅窗体中显示为行项目。运动类型和持续时间,以及服用胰岛素时,也显示为天桥提示、表格报告和评论审阅表格中的行项目。


  • 版本 发布于 2008-05-18
    添加了棕榈, 热同步管道



FutureWare Software Use License Agreement For The FutureWare MedWatch Personal Diabetes Monitor (MWPDM) Software Application 1. DEFINITIONS FutureWare SCG, herein referred to as FUTUREWARE, grants to you, an end user herein referred to as USER, a personal and non-exclusive license to use the MedWatch Personal Diabetes Monitor (MWPDM) software product, herein referred to as SOFTWARE, subject to the terms and conditions of this Use License Agreement, herein referred to as AGREEMENT. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE FUTUREWARE shall initiate and cause an exercise of the grant of license to the USER upon FUTUREWARE receiving full compensation and consideration for the SOFTWARE at the level and amount in effect at the time the USER obtains a copy of the SOFTWARE. Such initiation shall be by means of notification to the USER by FUTUREWARE by electronic mail or written instrument. 3. INSTALLATION AND USE The SOFTWARE is licensed to USER as a Single User License, whereby the USER may install and use a single copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer that can accommodate such SOFTWARE. The USER may only access and use the SOFTWARE from the single computer on which it is installed. 4. ACCESS TO CONTINUING DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS Any additional development or improvement to the SOFTWARE as done by FUTUREWARE at any time, at FUTUREWARE's sole discretion, may be made available to the USER for purposes or considerations also at FUTUREWARE's sole discretion. The occurrence of such developments and improvements are not included in this grant of license to the USER. 5. COPYRIGHT AND COPIES The SOFTWARE, including any copy thereof, is owned by FUTUREWARE and is protected by United States trademark, copyright and patent laws and international treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold, to the USER, and the USER is not an owner of any copy thereof. The USER may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided that the USER keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. The USER may not otherwise copy the SOFTWARE except as expressly authorized by applicable law, nor make any copies either direct or indirect of any written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. 6. RESERVED RIGHTS FUTUREWARE reserves all rights not explicitly granted in this AGREEMENT. 7. OTHER RESTRICTIONS The USER may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but may transfer the SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided that the USER does not retain any copy or copies of the SOFTWARE and that the recipient agrees to the terms of this AGREEMENT. The USER may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except to the extent expressly authorized by applicable law. 8. LIMITED WARRANTY AND REMEDY FUTUREWARE warrants the physical media, if any, which contains the SOFTWARE, and any physical documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the original purchase date of the SOFTWARE. If FUTUREWARE receives notification within this warranty period of any such defects and such notification is determined to be correct, FUTUREWARE will, at its sole option and discretion, repair or replace the media or documentation, or provide the USER with a full refund for the original purchase price. The foregoing is the USER's sole and exclusive remedy and states FUTUREWARE's and its suppliers' entire liability arising out of this limited warranty. This limited warranty is void if the damage or defect has resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication. 9. LIMITED LIABILITY The SOFTWARE, including instructions for its use and all printed and online documentation, is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. FUTUREWARE further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the SOFTWARE and documentation remains with the USER. In no event shall FUTUREWARE, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery of the SOFTWARE be liable for any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss, arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE or documentation. 10. TERM This license remains in effect until it is terminated. The USER may terminate the license at any time by destroying the SOFTWARE and all accompanying documentation. The license will be terminated automatically upon the USER's failure to comply with any term or condition of this AGREEMENT. 11. ACCEPTANCE BY USER OF THIS AGREEMENT The USER signifies acceptance of this AGREEMENT by an explicit choice presented to, and selected by, the USER during the SOFTWARE's installation procedure. Should the USER not thereby accept this AGREEMENT then the SOFTWARE will not be installed, and the USER has no claims, direct or indirect, on FUTUREWARE, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery of the SOFTWARE. 12. GOVERNING LAW This AGREEMENT adheres to, and is to be construed by, the Uniform Commercial Code. For purposes of convenience, this AGREEMENT is governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, USA, without reference to conflict of laws principles. Any dispute that arise from this AGREEMENT shall be resolved exclusively in the State of Nevada. 13. COMPLETENESS This is the entire AGREEMENT between the USER and FUTUREWARE, and supersedes any prior agreement, whether written or oral, direct or implied, relating to the subject matter of this AGREEMENT.